Page 488 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 488

Milan ivanović and Dragan jovanović
  Binač, Buzovik: Holy Archangels Monastery, 14th–16th century
Bistražin, Church of Saint Elias, before the destruction in 2004
BESINJE (Priština): an old Serbian church stood once on the site called Crkveni Do (Church Valley); an old graveyard situ- ated today on the site called Babino Groblje; the Pustinja Les- kovac monastery (mentioned in 1455) formerly located in the vicinity of the village.
BINAČ (Vitina): 1. ruins of an old settlement above the vil- lage; 2. in the village and its environs there are the ruins of the churches of St. Paraskeve, St. Stephen and St. Nicholas (re- cently restored); 3. monastery of the archangel Michael (Bu- zovik), south of the village, from the 14th–16th c. with the rem- nants of two layers of frescos (the younger dating from the 16th c.).
BISTRAŽIN (in the Middle ages Bisažina, Djakovica): new church, erected on the foundations of an old one demolished in 1941; the old and new graveyard formerly situated next to it. BISTRICA (Leposavić): remnants of a church and an old graveyard.
BISTRICA ŠALJSKA (Leposavić): remnants of an old church on the site called Crkvište (ruins of a church).
Bogoševci, Church of Saint Nicholas, 16th century
BITINJA see GORNJA and DONJA BITINJA. BIVOLJAK (Vučitrn): old cemetery, known as the Wallachian cemetery.
BLAGAJE (Peć): old Serbian cemetery.
BLJAČ (Dragaš): in the village with several old Serbian top- onyms, the remnants of a smaller church still existed in the mid-19th c.
BOB (Kačanik): archaeological finds of two churches, Byzan- tine and medieval Serbian, with a graveyard, on the site called Crkva (Church).
BOBOVAC, BOBOVCE, BOBOJEVCE (Klina): ruins of a church with an old graveyard existed until 1870. BOGOŠEVCI (Prizren): 1. church of St. Nicholas in the grave- yard (16th c.) frescoed in the 16th–17th c.; 2. church of the Dor- mition of the Mother of God in the hamlet of Peičići (18th c.). BOJNOVIĆE, BOJINOVIĆE (in Kolašin upon the ibar); 1. old cemetery, in the Bojnovačko field; 2. a church formerly situated on the site called Crkvine (i.e. ruins of a church), in the center of the village; 3. old graveyard church, on the out- skirts of the village, restored in 1950.
BOLJETIN (K. Mitrovica): Sokolica monastery with the church of the intercession the Mother of God (14th–15th c.) at the foot of the Sokolica hill; the church contains damaged frescos, especially valuable is the marble sculpture of the Mother of God with Christ Child transferred from Banjska, the demolished mausoleum of King Milutin (1312–1316); a Serbian graveyard situated above the monastery. BOLJEVCE (Kriva Reka near Novo Brdo): 1. ruins of the old church of St. Panteleimon with the traces of the original fres- co-painting.
BORČANE (in the Middle ages Borčani, Leposavić): new church erected in the 19th c. on the foundations of the ruins of a former church, on the hill above the village.
BOSCE (Kriva Reka neat Novo Brdo): several Serbian micro- toponyms and an old cemetery have survived.
BOSTANE (Priština): 1. remnants of the medieval Saxon (Latin) church venerating the Mother of God, scarce frag- ments of frescos with Cyrillic and Roman inscriptions; 2. church of the Mother of God in the graveyard, erected in the 19th c. with the material of the old church of the Mother of God in Novo Brdo beneath Mt. javor.
Bogoševci, Saint Nicholas Church, 16th century

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