Page 867 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 867

past few years? Or it seems, as i think with sadness, that the Western gentlemen are not going to recognize any of this, up until the point the Serbian Church starts speaking, too from the position and using the vocabulary of NaTO commanders, and by herself begins to “proactively pro- mote new projected reality” of the Balkans, on the recog- nizable trace of the old conquerors...
Upon His Holiness return from america where he goes in the meantime, he needs to visit Paris and that would be the first historical visit of the Serbian patriarch to this city. Having arrived on the eve of St. Simeon the Myrrhbearer, the Patriarch Pavle visited St. Sava’s Temple and was wel- comed by the Serbs from Paris and the surrounding areas. in one of the Parisian hotels, a reception attended by many guests was held in the name of the Patriarch.
Despite all promises, the Serbian Patriarch’s reception with the French president jacque Chirac was cancelled. However, the Parisian Cardinal Lustiger did receive His Holiness. Two spiritual worlds in the personalities of the Serbian Patriarch and the Roman Catholic prelate met on the shores of the Seine. However, the Cardinal felt that the Patriarch was a true man of God, so he told him as they were departing: “You are not just a spiritual father of a na- tion, but also the Christ’s witness in front of all people!” During the conversation, the Cardinal added one more deep thought: “everything that gets divided becomes smaller, it’s only when love is divided that there is more of it!”
Having felt the sincerity and truthfulness in these words, i think how much detrimental hatred there was through the centuries in the interference of the Roman Curia in entangling and further binding of the spiritual and political knots on the Balkans and the Russian grounds in the spirit of proselytism, on the canonical territories of the local Or- thodox Christian Churches—the Serbian, Greek, Bulgari- an, Romanian and Russian...
The reception organized by the Patriarch was held on the eve of St. Simeon the Myrrhbearer, January 31/Febru- ary 13. Besides other guests and Orthodox Christian bish- ops, the old French general Gallois also attended the re- ception. The old man greets the Patriarch, saying among other things this, too: “The Serbs are fighting in Kosovo not just for themselves but also for the dignity and morality of europe, for the dignity and morality of the real France!” We understood the old general very well: he meant the europe and the France which do not exist anymore neither in ev- eryday life, nor on the international scene and which, thanks to the literary giants Lamartine and Victor Hugo, knew what it meant “when the albanian whirlwind swoops down from the mountains” and barge into the Serbian forests and homes—then “the screams come out of there”... it was for this kind of europe that the libertarian history of the Serbian people was the object of admiration being a centu- ries-old “poem in creation” which is not written, but sung.
The Chronicles of the Renewed Crucifixion of Kosovo
Thus, “it was pleasant for their best sons to dwell at the foot of this oak which, lake France, sings about its freedom” and it was for this reason that their heart was moved by the wounds of the Serbian martyrs...
all conversations and greetings revolve around Ram- bouillet and Kosovo. The Patriarch gives an exclusive in- terview with Le Figaro: “if the Serbs disappear from Koso- vo, the holy places will disappear, too,” someone would say. indeed, the abandoned holy places are going to dilapidate on their own. De-divinized albanians are not going to take care neither of their own sanctuaries, let alone someone else’ this way, all those “multi-culti” stories about mul- tiethnic, multicultural and multi-confessional Kosovo would prove to be empty phrases and phantasms of the euro-at- lantic illusionists.”
in Paris, these days of February and Rambouillet, there are also some Serbian political leaders: President Milan Milutinović and other official representatives of the Ser- bian state, as well as some opposition politicians such as Vuk Drašković, Milan Komnenić... it can be felt in the air that these are crucial days for the Serbian people, espe- cially for Kosovo and Metohija. By observing all these peo- ple participating in the “negotiations,” who the negotiators and the intermediaries are, everything that is being asked from the Serbs and all that is being stated publicly and con- fidentially, especially by some arrogant european diplo- mats, such as the statement on behalf of the United King- dom Minister of Foreign affairs, Robin Cook: “The alba- nians have to sign the imposed agreement, otherwise the NATO alliance won’t be able to bomb the Serbs , or the one by a high-ranking OSCe official whose name i cannot re- call—“all this in Kosovo is not the conflict between the Serbs and albanians but that between Wall Street and Byz- antium,” the following postwar quotation by professor Ra- doslav Grujić inevitably comes to mind: “There have nei- ther existed bigger times nor smaller people than these!”
On February 10/23, on St. Haralambos Day, after the partial Ramboullet agreement between the Serbian gov- ernment and the Kosovo albanians, i gave a statement for the Radio Svetigora in Cetinje. as to the question: ”is it the same to lose in Kosovo or to lose Kosovo?” among other things i said:
I do not know on what basis some people believe that Montenegro is not interested in Kosovo, that it does not be- long to her However, if we renounce Kosovo, we will also have to renounce all those Obilić medals7 of our ancestors as the highest award in the Kingdom of Montenegro, as well as
7 Medal for bravery with the figure of Miloš Obilić, the Serbian medieval knight who is considered a symbol of courage and honor, killed by Ottomans during the Battle of Kosovo in 1389 after having previously cut open the Ottoman Sultan Murad i—transl note

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