Page 868 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 868

Metropolitan amfilohije (Radović)
 Holy Prince Lazar (1329–1389),
an icon painted after 1667 in the monastery of Hilandar
Miloš and King Nikola, his politics and everything that ever happened in Montenegro, without going further in the past, to name but the last and the first half of this century We mustn’t forget that a lot of blood of the Montenegrin cham- pions was shed for the liberation of Kosovo and Metohija in the beginning of the century
We must not forget that Metohija belonged to Montene- gro up until 1945 according to the Bucharest Treaty from 1913 which is still valid, not to mention that many people who live there are originally from—here It would be shameful for Montenegro to forget her historical choices, to forget Kosovo as a covenant, as her cosmic and historical choice, to forget her blood spilled for the liberation of Kosovo, to forget her peo- ple living together with our natives in Kosovo, and to do all this either out of fear of some strongmen of this world, or out of some trivial interests, opportunism or any other reason
WealwayshavetofightforKosovowithinourselves We have to acquire Kosovo, gain it, embrace it and defend it withinourselves AnyneutralityregardingKosovohasnever beenatraitofeitherMontenegroorMontenegrins Itiscrys- tal clear to anyone who has even remotely dealt with the history of Montenegro Therefore, Montenegro mustn’t re- nounce Kosovo today, either
After all, one thing is important: Montenegro has never betrayed her brother Betraying, leaving Serbia in the lurch today and washing hands in the blood being shed there like Pilate in order to protect ourselves, does neither suit these people nor the Montenegrin hills
The Beginning of the NaTO aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
The Rambouillet agreement was created by the euro- atlantic dictate which the albanians signed while the Serbs rejected because it asked for the absolute power of NaTO on the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, as well as the free and unlimited provision of all types of ser- vices to the NaTO troops. it also asked for attending all kinds of NaTO’s needs including the changing of the exist- ing infrastructure, granting the immunity to any NaTO staff member from arrest, investigation and trial for even- tual misdeeds in the courts of the FRY and giving NaTO the authority to arrest individuals in its sole discretion. What the Rambouillet agreement was for was seen on St. Soph- ronius of Jerusalem’s Day, March 11/24.
Was it just a coincidence that the vicious bombardment of Serbia and Montenegro, especially of Kosovo and Meto- hija started on the very day when the United Kingdom im- posed direct rule over Northern ireland in 1972 and on the World Tuberculosis Day? For the umpteenth time in the 20th century, the bombs started falling again from the same West european direction on the country and people from whose side, never ever not even a single bomb flew to the opposite direction.
it happened on the eve of the 50th anniversary of NaTO which celebrated the 50th year of its existence working, so to say—with the aggression on the sovereign country the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) under the pretext of ”preventing a humanitarian disaster” of the albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, violating the UN Charter, but also their own act of Creation, which half a century earlier defined UN as a Defensive alliance. as it is emphasized in the official statements, “the attack was car- ried out without the permission of the UN Security Coun- cil, contrary to the Helsinki Document on european Secu- rity and the constitutions of some NaTO member states.”
It also happened in the year in which on July 15/28, 900 years since the liberation of the Holy City of jerusalem from the Muslim hands in the First Crusade of the united West- ern noble armies with the blessing of the Roman Pope Urban ii, the launcher of the Crusades, “Holy Wars,” would fall.

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