Page 913 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 913

      IMPLEMENTED 2001–2006
  IMPLEMENTED 2006–2014
    archaeological research; Consolidation and restoration of the church
   Consolidation of church’s façades, side-walk and roofing
     Consolidation of
the church and frescos
    The church has recently been renovated and statically consolidated. in 2002, the mural paintings undervent partial restoration and conservation.
 Fence construction
      in 2006, the fence around the church was damaged.
     Over the several past years, the old-style roofing tiles have been replaced with new ceramic tiles. The apse has been covered with metal sheets. The church is in a good condition. in 2010,
a dormitory was built next to it.
              The church is in a good condition. it has recently been renovated. in 2013, a belfry and a dormitory were built next to the church.
     The dormitory was repaired and reconstructed in 2003.
The church was repeatedly desecrated and looted, most recently in 2013.
          it has recently been renovated.
      The church was repaired in 2003.
                     Construction of a dormitory and an enclosing wall
     The Destruction of Serbia’s Patrimonial Sites in Kosovo

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