Page 969 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 969

Serbian Children on Kosovo today
a Letter of 15-year-Old Slobodanka Tasić to the UN Secretary-General
President Tadić conveys letter of Kosovo teen to UN Security Council (january 16, 2008)
  Dear Mr. President,
after learning that you will speak before the UN Secu- rity Council about the situation on Kosovo and Metohija, i write you this letter in the pitch dark since again there is no electricity, and ask you to read it to them if the possibility arises.
as i write to you, i feel like a leaf blowing in the wind not knowing where the wind will take me because i have no protection. and who would protect me? i have no fa- ther. He disappeared in 1999.
i am 15 years old, born in Kosovo and Metohija and still living here, but not in the house where i was born since it has been destroyed to its foundations and burnt. My child- hood differs from the childhoods of children in free coun-
tries. all kids throughout the world have friends, but to me fear has become my inseparable friend, fear of the early morning, fear of the first twilight. and that is why i ask you, Mr. President, to convey my message to the world— because of all the children’s tears, because of all our suffer- ing, because of the long opened wounds which just cannot heal. The right to a carefree childhood, the right to free- dom, the right to happiness have all been taken from us, just as the warmth of family life has been taken from us. May they at least not take away from us the right to live even this kind of life in our own land.
Slobodanka Tasić

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