P. 297

Sueña y escribe

                                          MY FELLING IN QUARANTINE

                                                      Luna Osorio

                            During quarantine, I have felt really…weird.

                            I´m Luna, and I have never been in quarantine, or
                            less  than  two  days  without  going  out  to  do
                            something entertaining, so that makes me feel really

                            weird,  it’s  interesting  how  one  day  before  this
                            started, I was packing for Europe and the next day I

                            was watching the news and finding out that all the
                            countries that I was visiting, were literally closed, no
                            one could have got in or out.

                            I’m not gonna lie and say that it hasn´t been hard,

                            because it has. I think that the most difficult thing in
                            these  days  is  to  be  calm,  and  not  overthink  every
                            single  thing  that  happens  around  us.  We  all  have
                            issues in different situations, and my problem with

                            me right now is that, too much “free time”, made
                            me gain enemies, yes, that´s right, enemies.

                            My  biggest  enemy  right  now,  it´s  my  mind,
                            sometimes, it´s too much information, thoughts or

                            noise for me to handle it, I have tried to do other
                            things to distract myself but it´s just really difficult

                            for me to concentrate lately when I’m not in class.
                            The first days were the most stressful ones, I wasn´t
                            used to spend so much time with my mom, we have

                            never been that much next to each other, and that
                            kinda annoyed me, but now I have learned that she
                            can be fun, and she´s cool. So in that single way I

                            feel happy.

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