P. 313

Sueña y escribe

                            what we had. In my case, at first I liked staying at

                            home,  because  I  could  be  calmer,  more
                            concentrated in my studies and in my personal life.

                            As time went by, I got used to it, although I greatly
                            missed  my  friends,  since  before  all  of  this,  I  spent
                            much of my life with them. One day I went to visit

                            them  with  preventive  measures,  when  we  met,  to
                            be  honest,  it  was  a  very  nice  feeling  because

                            regardless of the circumstances, we were still very
                            close.  Unfortunately  I  could  not  continue  visiting
                            them because I live with my grandparents and  for

                            them the issue of the virus is quite risky.

                            The positive aspects that I found in this quarantine
                            were getting to know myself better, doing activities
                            that I like, continuing to work out constantly, also I
                            learned  some  cooking  recipes,  value  small  things

                            and continue studying to finish the goals that I set
                            for myself.

                            Despite the circumstances, people have to learn to
                            adapt,  although  it  is  sad  that  they  had  several

                            purposes in this last year and that they haven´t been
                            fulfilled. The good thing is that my family takes great

                            care of themselves and follow preventive measures
                            in addition to respecting the rules. Finally, we will all
                            keep waiting for this to end soon and we can fulfill

                            everything we’ve ever wanted.

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