P. 41
The effects of being a Real Commercial Engineer
The effects of being a commercial engineer "My aunt Madgalena Galarza is a
commercial engineer." [A commercial engineer is someone who runs a business
or a company]. Being a commercial engineer has had a negative effect and two
positives in Madgalena. First, She had to give up much of her personal and
family time, Madgalena says:["I do most of my work from Monday to Saturday
from eight to six in the afternoon, and I travel a lot for my work throughout the
country, and also outside the country]. "As a result, it is difficult for Madgalena
to spend time with her husband and her son Sebastian, and she no longer has time
to go swimming. However, working as a commercial engineer, has made my aunt
Magdalena a good listener, [she has learned to pay close attention to what people
say at her work meeting and to every detail of the meetings]. [For example, a
client can say to Madgalena, "Yes, I do the business", but she could identify with
the a Customer's attitude that he will not do the business]. Finally, working as a
commercial engineer at the Papelesa Company has given Madgalena a sense of
accomplishment. Madgalena says: "The business I have done this month has
been very important for the company I work for and this is very rewarding for
me, and that is because I have worked hard." You can not do business with other
companies unless that she investigate the market, advertise and go to work
meetings. "I have done all those things in my work and as a result I have been
very successful".