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Recommended question(s) and responses you can leverage during Sales Conversations:
Questions to ask
Recommended Responses
In your practice, how do you currently “When a patient has a bad experience with a
measure patient satisfaction regarding progressive lens, they do not blame the lens
their progressive lens wearing (most aren’t even aware there is a
difference), instead they blame the ECP. On
average, 40% of the patients who are
unhappy with their PAL, do not return to
complain about their lenses (because they go
somewhere else for their next pair).” This
impacts their overall perception of your
How do you build staff confidence and “Essilor invented the Progressive lens back in
thus, patient trust in your progressive 1959 and continues driving research and
lens portfolio? development to ensure the lenses that carry
the Varilux Brand remain at the forefront of
technology. This allows you, your staff, and
the patient to have confidence in the vision
and benefits that these lenses will provide.”
Please share with me how you decide “What has your experience been in the
which lens to use, and why?” past with patients not returning to your
practice? What are some typical patient
responses when they do come back for a
When your staff discusses a progressive “How do you or your staff overcome/answer
lens solution with a patient, what does that patient feedback currently? What type
that sound like? What would you want of impact do you think this could/will have on
that to sound like? your practice long term?”
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