Page 22 - SNIRAQ Catalogue
P. 22
Size (H x W): 191/2” x 16” (500 x 420mm)
Many companies are now
centralising Lockout Tagout This fuse lockout station includes a selection of lockout
equipment using Lockout equipment for a wide range of applications. Shadow profiles on
Stations that contain all the the board highlight the position of the equipment. Complete with
lockout equipment needed for the following:
an individual machine or for an
entire department. Reece Safety 4 x TT38RED Padlocks 1 x RFL2 Fuse Lockout
manufactures such lockout 1 x S806 Cable Lockout 1 x RFB3 Fuse Blockout
stations in a broad range of 2 x MLH7 Lockout Hasps 1 x RFB4 Fuse Blockout
standard designs to suit the most 1 x D02 Bottle Fuse Lock 1 x RFB5 Fuse Lockout
common configurations. 1 x DZ3 Bottle Fuse Lock 1 x UFL2 Fuse Lockout
Each product is located on a 1 x RFL1 Fuse Lockout 3 x LSE10T Packs of 10 Tags
hook and the board is printed to
show an exact shadow behind Code Description
it which immediately indicates LSE308FS Fuse lockout station with equipment
products are missing. This
“Eyesight Management” feature PLUG AND PENDANT LOCKOUT STATION
makes Lockout management
much easier. Size: (H x W): 241/2” x 27” (620 x 680mm)
Any standard board can be This plug and pendant lockout station includes
customised to change a color a selection of lockout equipment for a wide
scheme of include Corporate range of applications. Shadow profiles on the
names or badges and we can also board highlight the position of the equipment.
customise a board totally to suit Complete with the following:
exact requirements
from customers. 4 x TT38RED Padlocks 2 x RPSL1 Plug Lockouts
1 x LP330 Small plug box
2 x MLH7 Lockout Hasps 1 x LP770 Large 14ug box
3 x LSE10T Pack of 10 Tags
1 x YSLB1 Lockout Bag
1 x R453XXL Pendant
Lockout Bag
2 x Plugblock plug lockouts
Code Description
LSE314FS Plug and pendant lockout station
Size (H x W): 231/2” x 19” (600 x 480mm) Size (H x W): 191/2” x 16” (500 x 440mm)
Complete with the following: Holds the following:
4 x TT38RED Padlocks 2 x MLH7 Lockout Hasps
3 x LSE10T Packs of 10 Tags 4 x TT38RED Padlocks
2 x MLH7 Lockout Hasps 1 x RS3901 Electrical/P neumatic
2 x S806 Cable lockouts Lockout
2 x CLKIT Cable lockouts 1 x BS11 Pneumatic Lockout
1 x RS3900 Pneumatic Lockout
3 x LSE10T Packs o f 10 Tags
1 x RS3902 Pneumatic Lockout
LOCKOUT STATIONS Code Description Code Description
LSE310FS Lockout Station and contents LSE311FS Lockout Station and contents
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