Page 3 - SNIRAQ Catalogue
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MLH1 STAINLESS STEEL                        3/16”(5mm) Ø  13/5” 40mm  MLH4 ALUMINUM
LOCKOUT HASP                         1”(25mm)                         LOCKOUT HASP

Manufactured from 316 stainless                                       Double scissor
steel with a bright, durable nickel                                   action lockout hasp
plated finish. Ideal for use in all                                   manufactured from
industrial environments                                               Aluminum, with
                                                                      1”(25mm) and
                    Fully opening                                     11/2”(38mm) diameter
                    body for easier                                   jaws. Overall length
                                                                      6”(149mm). Accepts
                      application                                     padlocks with a shackle
                                                                      diameter up to

Code                                 5/16” (8mm)
MLH1                                   Ø holes

MLH7 FLEXIBLE LOCKOUT HASP                                             Code
Manufactured from heavy duty flexible nylon with 31/16”(80mm)
clearance. Can easily be manipulated into place. Ideal for difficult  MLH5 SAFETY LOCKOUT HASP
applications. Accepts padlocks with a shackle diameter up to 9mm.
                                                                      Manufactured from steel with a red plastic coated body. Scissor action
                                                                      with 1”(25mm) diameter jaw size. Accepts padlocks with a shackle
                                                                      diameter up to 3/8”(10mm).


MLH10 STAINLESS STEEL LOCKOUT HASP THIN                                Code
The MLH10 lockout hasp is manufactured with a small 3mm diameter
hasp making it ideal for those ‘small hole’ applications.             MLH6 SAFETY LOCKOUT HASP

•	 Accepts up to 6 padlocks                                           Manufactured from steel with a red plastic coated body. Scissor action
•	 3/8”(10mm) dia padlock holes                                       with 11/2”(38mm) diameter jaw size. Accepts padlocks with a shackle
•	11/6”(30mm) vertical hasp clearance                                 diameter up to 3/8”(10mm).
•	 Stainless steel


	 Code	Description                                                                                                                               LOCKOUT HASPS

	MLH1	   Stainless steel lockout hasp                                 Code
	MLH4	   Double scissor action Aluminum lockout hasp                  MLH6
	MLH5	   Scissor action lockout hasp 1”(25mm) jaws
	MLH6	   Scissor action lockout hasp 13/8”(38mm) jaws
	MLH7	   Flexible nylon lockout hasp
	MLH10	  Thin stainless steel lockout hasp

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