Page 8 - Trakblaze Road Product eBook 2018-19
P. 8

#         OPTIWIM                                            UNIQUE SENSOR


                                                                          The OptiWIM  sensor offers new and
                                                                         useful features thanks to its design and
                                                                        technology. The sensor can measure the
                                                                         vehicle’s width directly. It is also able to
                                                                       detect the use of double-wheel assemblies
                                                                      or the presence of underinflated tyres, even
                                                                              in dual-assembly, separately.

                                                                                                TYRE DETECTION

                                                                                                UNDER INFLATED
                                                                                                TYRE DETECTION

                                                                                                 DIRECT WIDTH

                                                               Easy Installation Easy Maintenance

    Unique Features & Benefits                                  The system requires only a U-Bed shape for the

                                                               assembly to be placed into the road surface. Once
                                                               the U-bed shape is installed, the maintenance and
       Gross   weight     accuracy      ±3%                    possible replacement after 10 years of the sensors
       Detection    of     wheels      trajectory,                lifetime consists only of changing the insides
       vehicle   width    measuring      directly       by       sensor   without the need of any other intervention into the
                                                                                   road surface
       Double-tyre     detection
       Direct    detection      of          underinflated          tyres

       Direct    compensation       of             ambient          temperature             WIM like
       10  year lifespan                                                                never before...

                                                                                        MINING, RAIL, ROAD & AIRCRAFT WEIGHING SYSTEMS
                                                                                              Over 85 years of Innovation
    CROSS Zlín  I  Hasičská 397, Louky | 763 02 Zlín | Czech Repu blic   Trakblaze Pty Ltd  I  5 Mareno Road, Tullamarine  I  3043 Victoria  I  Australia,
    Tel.: +420 577 110 211 | E-mail:                      Tel: +61 3 9318 9277  I  Email:
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