Page 18 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 18

A  nylon  braid  over an
        C limbing  ropes  are  a  special  class  of      inner  core  provides  both
                                                          strength  and  elasticity.
     cordage  and  are  often  referred  to  as  kernman-
     tel. Kernmantels consist of a core (or kern) and
     a  braided  outer  sheath  (or  mantel). Climbers
     use  static  ropes  to  take  the  full  weight  of the                         z
     climber  that  are  designed  for  wear-and-tear                                ::a
     and  the  occasional  short  fall  of  a  rock  face.                           c
     Dynam.ic  ropes  are  safety  ropes. These  are  not                            n
     generally for carrying the climber's  weight, but,
     because  they  are  designed  with  extra  elasticity                           z
     and strength, dynamic ropes are used in case  of
     particularly  dangerous  falls  and  the  uncon-
     trolled spinning of a climber who  has  fallen.
        Due  to  the  heat generated by friction  dur-
     ing  rappelling  (abseiling)  and  belaying,  climb-
     ing  ropes  need  high  melting  points.  Obtain
     specialist  advice  on  the  different  properties  of
     climbing  ropes  from  climbing associations and
     specialist  suppliers,  and  look  for  the  label  of
     approval  from  the  UIAA  (Union  Internationale
     des Associatio11s d'Alpi11is111e)
        R ope-makers'  product  information  will
     give specification tables listing average breaking
     loads for each  type  and size  of cordage.  If you
     intend  to  climb, pothole, sail, dive  or glide - in
     short, take  part in  any activity  where  your life
     may  depend  on the properties  of the rope  that
     you  use  - you  will  need  to  'learn  the  ropes'!
     For  knot-tyers,  a  more  generalised  knowledge
     that  will  help  you  to  select  your  rope  on  the
     basis  of fun ction, appearance  and  price  is  all
     that is needed.
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