P. 22

U.5   Write effectively  in different  voices  and styles  for various  purposes.

                Class Hours/ Teaching       Tutoring       Learning        Independent     Assessment tools
      Thematic  Units       Component        Hours      application and      hours including
                 Teacher’s      Cooperativ              experimenting        research and

                 assistance       e learning              practices
                                                 community service
   5.1  From   School  to  work:   Writing   an   1      0      0        0      2     Plenary

   argumentative  essay

   Reading  for writing:  Should  the purpose of a   1      0      0        0      2     Workshops
   high  school  education  be to send all  students  to
   college?  Yes/No

   Writing:  Argumentative  essay on an issue  in   1      1      0        0      3     Questionnaires

   Support:   organizing   and  developing   body   1      1      0        0      3     Mind  maps

   Final  Draft   2      1      0        0      4     Essays

   Chapter Review   2      1      0        0      4     Writing

      SUBTOTAL  HOURS      8      4      0        0      18     TOTAL      40
   Unit Learning  outcome:  Produce short stories  using  different  writing  genres.

   Learning  Methodologies: Collaborative  Learning;  Problem  based learning  PBL and Project Based Learning.

   Educational  Strategies:  Discussions,  Mind  Maps,  Lectures,  Simulations,  Workshops.

   Didactic Resources: Overhead projector, internet,  coursebook and e-books.

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