Page 8 - CBAC Newsletter 2017
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anatomic characteristics, and the experience of the         this atriotomy down onto the tricuspid annulus at the
operating surgeon. [14] Our group at Washington             2 o’clock position. All cryoablations are performed for
University, favors a minimally invasive RMT to perform      three minutes at a temperature below -60˚C. The linear
a full biatrial CM IV in patients undergoing stand-alone    cryoprobe is then inserted through the previously placed
AF ablation or as a concomitant procedure to mitral or      purse-string suture and an endocardial ablation line is
tricuspid valve surgery. On the other hand, we reserve a    created down to the tricuspid annulus at the 10 o’clock
median sternotomy for patients with severe peripheral       position. [20] The 10 o’clock position could be omitted if
vascular disease (PVD) that precludes femoral               the patients have small right atrium and have no
cannulation for cardiopulmonary bypass, a history of        tricuspid regurgitation.
previous right thoracotomy, severe left ventricular         Next, the left atrial lesion set is performed on the
dysfunction, chest wall deformity such as pectus            arrested heart after aortic cross-clamping (Figure 2B).
excavatum [19], or when CM IV is combined with other        The heart is retracted and the left atrial appendage
concomitant procedures such as aortic valve                 (LAA) is exposed and amputated. Through the
replacement and coronary artery bypass grafting.            amputated appendage, the bipolar RF clamp is used to
[14] Patients who are in AF at the time of surgery and      create a connecting lesion into the left inferior or
have no intracardiac thrombosis on intraoperative           superior pulmonary vein, whichever is easier. [20]
transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) are electrically       The LAA is then oversewn in two layers with a running
cardioverted and started on intravenous amiodarone.         polypropylene suture. The coronary sinus is marked
Pacing thresholds are measured from each pulmonary          with methylene blue between the right and left coronary
vein. [20]                                                  circulations. A standard left atriotomy is then
                                                            performed, and the bipolar clamp is used to create
Median Sternotomy Approach                                  “roof” and “floor” lesions from the superior and inferior
                                                            aspects of the atriotomy to the left superior and inferior
Intrathoracic access is obtained through a median           pulmonary veins, respectively. The RF ablation clamp is
sternotomy in a standard fashion. The superior vena         also used to create an ablation from the inferior margin
cava (SVC) and the inferior vena cava (IVC) are dissected   of the atriotomy toward the mitral annulus, and across
and bicaval cannulation is performed. After the initiation  the coronary sinus, taking care to avoid the coronary
of normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass, both sets of        arteries. As the RF bipolar clamp cannot reach the
pulmonary veins are then bluntly dissected, mobilized       annulus itself, a bell-shaped cryoprobe is used to make
and encircled with umbilical tapes. [20] As mentioned       an endocardial lesion to the mitral annulus at the end of
above, before proceeding to the next step of the            the mitral isthmus lesion. To complete the left atrial
operation, attempts should be made to achieve               isthmus ablation, an epicardial cryoablation is
normal sinus rhythm.                                        performed over the coronary sinus in line with the
                                                            endocardial lesion (Figure 2, 5). It is possible to create
Pacing thresholds are measured from each pulmonary          the Cox Maze IV ablation lines with only cryoablation,
vein. Using bipolar clamps, we then isolate a cuff of       and many expert arrhythmia surgeons use this
atrial tissue surrounding the right and the left pulmonary  approach. Our center uses bipolar RF for most ablation
veins. Isolation is confirmed by documenting exit block     lines and cryoablation near the atrioventricular groove
from all pulmonary veins. [20] To perform the right atrial  because cryoablation alone requires significantly more
lesion set, the patient is then cooled to 34o C. Lesions    time for completion of the lesion set. We do not
from RA lesion set are performed on the beating heart       recommend attempting to produce the Cox-Maze IV
(Figure 2A). To do this, a small purse-string suture is     lesion set using bipolar or unipolar RF alone, as this is
placed at the base of the right atrial appendage (RAA)      infeasible and unsafe near the AV groove. Additionally,
that is wide enough to accommodate one jaw of the           cryoablation is ideal over annular tissue because it
bipolar RF ablation clamp. An ablation lesion is            preserves the fibrous skeleton of the heart, therefore
created along the free wall of the right atrium through     maintaining valve competency. [20] The atriotomy is
the purse-string down the aortic side of the right atrial   then closed with a running polypropylene suture. The
appendage. [20] A vertical right atriotomy is made          patient is weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass and
extending from the intraatrial septum up toward the         the sternotomy closed in standard fashion.
atrioventricular groove near the free margin of the         Right Minithoracotomy Approach
heart (at least 2 cm from the free wall ablation). From     To minimize the surgical morbidity the procedure we
the inferior aspect of the incision, the RF ablation clamp
is used to create ablation lines up to the SVC and down
towards the IVC. A linear cryoprobe is used to create an
endocardial ablation line from the superior aspect of
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