Page 46 - CBAC Newsletter 2016
P. 46

News & Announ

Congratulations to..

Congratulations to the CBAC faculty that have been placed on the Best Doctors List in America
for 2015. Best Doctors in America uses peer-to-peer surveys to identify specialists considered
by fellow physicians to be the most skilled in their fields and most qualified for reviewing and
treating complex medical conditions. This list is also published every August by St Louis
Magazine. Link:

2015: St. Louis Magazine “Best Doctors in America” List (August 2015):

Phillip S. Cuculich, MD - Cardiovascular Division	      Clifford G. Robinson, MD - Radiation Oncology		
Sanjeev Bhalla, MD – Radiology                          Gautam K. Singh, MD - Pediatrics
Daniel H. Cooper, MD – Cardiovascular Division	         Timothy W. Smith, D Phil, MD - Cardiovascular Division
Ralph J. Damiano Jr, MD - Thoracic Surgery              George F Van Hare III, MD - Pediatric Cardiology
Mitchell N. Faddis, MD, PhD - Cardiovascular Division	  Pamela K. Woodard, MD - Radiology
Douglas Mann, MD - Cardiovascular Division

The American College of Cardiology has named CBAC faculty member Douglas Mann, MD the first
editor-in-chief of its newest journal, JACC: Basic Translational Research. A monthly, open-access
publication, the new journal launched its inaugural issue in December 2015.

On February 17, 2016, Jean E. Schaffer, MD, received the Washington University in St. Louis'
Distinguished Investigator Award for her contributions in advancing the understanding of
cardiovascular pathophysiology in metabolic disease. She was nominated by her peers to recognize
her achievements in clinical care, community service, research and teaching.

Jianmin Cui, PhD and two other faculty members, Daniel Moran, PhD and Rohit Pappu, PhD
were inducted to the College of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological
Engineering (AIMBE) on April 4, 2016 in Washington, D.C. The AIMBE represents the top two percent
of medical and biological engineers in the country. Link:

Richard Gross, MD, PhD was awarded the Solomon A. Berson Medical Alumni Achievement Award in
Basic Science from the New York University School of Medicine on April 16, 2016. The Solomon A.
Berson Medical Alumni Achievement Award in Basic Science is awarded to a graduate of the NYU School
of Medicine who has distinguished himself or herself by major accomplishments in fundamental
scientific research. Link:

Phillip Cuculich, MD, was promoted to Associate Professor of Medicine effective July 2016.

                 Pamela Woodard, MD, FACR, FAHA, FCCP was awarded the Distinguished Investigator Award, given by
                 the Academy of Radiology Research in 2015 and named to the Council of Distinguished Investigators
                 of the Academy. In November 2016, Woodard will also receive the American Heart Association (AHA)
                 Charles T. Dotter Award, and will give the Charles T. Dotter Memorial Lecture at the American Heart
                 Association Scientific Sessions in November 2016, New Orleans, LA – title “Precision plaque imaging:
                 Are we there yet?”
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