Page 7 - CBAC Newsletter 2016
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were found to carry the M-current (2). KCNQ2/3              familial neonatal convulsions in an infant were found
heteromeric channels were mainly named the classical        to be associated with mutations in KCNQ2 and KCNQ3
M-current (7,12,74). KCNQ2 and 3 are chiefly expressed      channels (4,92). Reduction of M-current is also
in the nervous system, where they colocalize in some        associated with tinnitus, autism, and bipolar disorders
neuronal populations (75,76). This finding may suggest      (4,92-96), and with types of progressive hearing loss
that these channels are assembled in a subset of            linked to mutations in KCNQ4 (6).
neurons and are expressed as heteromeric channels           The M-current was first identified in bullfrog sympathetic
(75-77). However, they are not always colocalized in        ganglia (73). The equivalent mammalian channels were
brain tissues (75). There is also evidence that KCNQ2       identified in the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of rats
homomeric channels are expressed in vivo (78-80).           (97). Studying M-current was difficult until selective
Additionally, KCNQ5 may also be expressed heteromeric       agents acting on these channels were discovered such
channels with KCNQ3 (7).                                    as linopirdine and XE991, allowing researchers to screen
It was found that all KCNQ channels need PIP2               known K+ channel genes (10). Such selective ligands
(phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate), a phospholipid     help to screen various channels pharmacologically, to
in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, for            compare their distinctive biophysical properties, and to
activation (81). PIP2 is required for the movements         study the expression of many subunits of both
in the voltage sensor domain to trigger the pore gate       homomeric and heteromeric channels. Thereafter,
domain to open (82,83). Thus, KCNQ channels are both        KCNQ2/3 heteromeric channels were explored as
voltage-gating and ligand-regulating potassium              M-current channels in the SCG of rats (12,75). This
channels. M1 muscarinic activation activates                history highlights the importance of pharmacological
phospholipase C by G-protein (Gq), which hydrolyzes         agents as tools in the study of KCNQ channels.
PIP2, thereby inhibiting KCNQ channels (84). M-current      KCNQ subunits are diverse in their assembly, forming
channels can control the rate of neuron firing because      both homomeric and heteromeric channels. The
of their special biophysical properties and subcellular     assembled channels have various phenotypes, differing
localization (76,85), and they can further potentiate       in their expression level, cellular targeting, biophysical
membrane excitability, due to downregulation as a result    characteristics, and pharmacological profiling. The
of G protein-coupled cell signaling. This is an important   composition of expressed channels in vivo is difficult to
balancing regulatory pathway of M-current physiology        know for certain, however, studying their characteristics
(2,3,86).                                                   and comparing them with channels that express in vtiro
Inhibition of M-current in a mouse model leads to           offer insights in to the subunits’ composition in various
disorder in hippocampus-dependent spatial memory            human tissues (13). Information about KCNQ subunits
(15). In rodent models, acute stress can cause impaired     and tissue-specific localization, combined with drug
retrieval of the hippocampus-dependent spatial memory       discovery approaches using potent selective ligands,
(87,88). Acute stress has been shown to raise the           would improve our knowledge and advance treatment
output of 5-hydoxytryptamine (5-HT) in the hippocampus      therapeutics. In this article, we review the compounds
(89,90). 5-HT was reported as an inhibitor of M-current     that either activate or inhibit channels, assessing their
channels in mammalian neurons (91). Therefore,              specificity to various KCNQ channels, their mechanism
M-current channels might be involved with the acute         of action, and their use in research and therapy.
stress that causes disruption of spatial memory retrieval
and synaptic plasticity. In addition, a study has reported  KCNQ Channel Activators
a decrease in KCNQ with aging in brain tissues of           1. Retigabine ‘RTG’ (D23129)
drosophila (25), and KCNQ3 channels were reduced in         In 2011, the drug retigabine (RTG) finished clinical trials
the mice hippocampus after object recognition training      as the first approved KCNQ channel opener for human
(26).                                                       use. RTG has a novel binding site and mechanism of
KCNQ2/3 channels maintain neuronal excitability at          action for activating the KCNQ 2-5 channels, but not the
a normal level. Any decreases in M-current activity         related cardiac KCNQ1 subunit (Fig.2) (98-101). RTG
because of genetic or other factors are directly linked     has an effect on a range of seizure disorders, and it has
to neuronal hyperexcitability-associated disorders, such    been approved by the FDA as an antiepileptic drug for
as epilepsy. This disease is characterized by recurrent     the treatment of partial/focal seizures (98,102).
seizures due to synchronized electrical hyperexcitability
in the central nervous system. For instance, benign

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