Page 46 - CBAC Newsletter 2015
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                                       July 2014 - June 2015 continued

        COLIN G. NICHOLS, Ph.D. (Cont.'d)

        Sala-Rabanal M, Yurtsever Z, Nichols CG, Brett TJ. Secreted CLCA1 modulates TMEM16A to activate
               Ca(2+)-dependent chloride currents in human cells.Elife. 2015 Mar 17;4. PMCID: PMC4360653
        Linder T, Wang S, Zangerl-Plessl EM, Nichols CG, Stary-Weinzinger A. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of KirBac1.1
               Mutants Reveal Global Gating Changes of Kir Channels. J Chem Inf Model. 2015 Apr 27;55(4):814-22.
               PMCID: PMC4415035 pp. 1314-1322, May 2015.

        DANIEL ORY, M.D.

        Tortelli B, Fujiwara H, Bagel JH, Zhang J, Sidhu R, Jiang X, Yanjanin NM, Shankar RK, Carillo-Carasco N, Heiss J,
               Ottinger E, Porter FD, Schaffer JE, Vite CH, Ory DS.Cholesterol homeostatic responses provide biomarkers
               for monitoring treatment for the neurodegenerative disease Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1). Hum Mol Genet.
               2014 Nov 15;23(22):6022-33. Epub 2014 Jun 25. PMID: 24964810
        Bowler RP, Jacobson S, Cruickshank C, Hughes GJ, Siska C, Ory DS, Petrache I, Schaffer JE, Reisdorph N, Kechris K.
               Plasma sphingolipids associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease phenotypes. Am J Respir Crit
               Care Med. 2015 Feb 1;191(3):275-84. PMID: 25494452
        Vite CH, Bagel JH, Swain GP, Prociuk M, Sikora TU, Stein VM, O'Donnell P, Ruane T, Ward S, Crooks A, Li S,
               Mauldin E, Stellar S, De Meulder M, Kao ML, Ory DS, Davidson C, Vanier MT, Walkley SU. Intracisternal
               cyclodextrin prevents cerebellar dysfunction and Purkinje cell death in feline Niemann-Pick type C1 disease.
               Sci Transl Med. 2015 Feb 25;7(276):276ra26. PMCID: PMC4415615
        Wassif CA, Cross JL, Iben J, Sanchez-Pulido L, Cougnoux A, Platt FM, Ory DS, Ponting CP, Bailey-Wilson JE, Biesecker
               LG, Porter FD. High incidence of unrecognized visceral/neurological late-onset Niemann-Pick disease, type
               C1, predicted by analysis of massively parallel sequencing data sets. Genet Med. 2015 Mar 12.
               [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 25764212
        Hawkins-Salsbury JA, Shea L, Jiang X, Hunter DA, Guzman AM, Reddy AS, Qin EY, Li Y, Gray SJ, Ory DS, Sands MS.
               Mechanism-based combination treatment dramatically increases therapeutic efficacy in murine
               globoid cell leukodystrophy. J Neurosci. 2015 Apr 22;35(16):6495-505. PMID: 25904800
        Holley CL, Li MW, Scruggs BS, Matkovich SJ, Ory DS, Schaffer JE. Cytosolic accumulation of small nucleolar RNAs
               (snoRNAs) is dynamically regulated by NADPH oxidase. J Biol Chem. 2015 May 1;290(18):11741-8.
               Epub 2015 Mar 19. PMCID: PMC4416874
        Praggastis M, Tortelli B, Zhang J, Fujiwara H, Sidhu R, Chacko A, Chen Z, Chung C, Lieberman AP, Sikora J, Davidson
               C, Walkley SU, Pipalia NH, Maxfield FR, Schaffer JE, Ory DS. A Murine Niemann-Pick C1 I1061T Knock-In
               Model Recapitulates the Pathological Features of the Most Prevalent Human Disease Allele.
               J Neurosci. 2015 May 27;35(21):8091-106.  PMCID: PMC4444535
        Sidhu R, Jiang H, Farhat NY, Carrillo-Carrasco N, Woolery M, Ottinger E, Porter FD, Schaffer JE, Ory DS, Jiang X.
               A validated LC-MS/MS assay for quantification of 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid.
               J Lipid Res. 2015 Jun;56(6):1222-33. Epub 2015 Apr 12. PMCID: PMC442878
        Jinn S, Brandis KA, Ren A, Chacko A, Dudley-Rucker N, Gale SE, Sidhu R, Fujiwara H, Jiang H, Olsen BN, Schaffer JE,
               Ory DS. snoRNA U17 Regulates Cellular Cholesterol Trafficking. Cell Metab. 2015 Jun 2;21(6):855-67.
               Epub 2015 May 14. PMCID: PMC4456254

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