Page 21 - CBAC Newsletter 2013
P. 21
News & announCementS
July 2012
CBAC member Jonathan R. Silva joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington
University in St. Louis. Professor Silva’s doctoral studies were also conducted here in Dr. Yoram
Rudy’s lab where he developed a new type of multi-scale cardiac action potential models that
incorporate detailed descriptions of ion channel molecular motions. See section on New Members
(p. 35) for more information.
auguSt 2012
Yoram Rudy was awarded a $1,520,000 four year grant (years 28-31 of the award) from the
NIH, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, for the project “Inverse and Forward Problems in
Electrocardiography.” Research under this grant is aimed at studying arrhythmia properties and
mechanisms in humans, using a novel noninvasive imaging modality for cardiac arrhythmias
(Electrocardiographic Imaging, ECGI) developed in the Rudy laboratory.
SePtemBer 2012
New CBAC member Stacey Rentschler joined the faculty in the Cardiovascular Division at the
Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine. As a cardiology fellow at the University of
Pennsylvania under the mentorship of Dr. Jonathan Epstein, she received the prestigious Burroughs
Wellcome Fund Career Award for Medical Scientists, which is given to physicians working in basic
biomedical or disease-oriented research. See section on New Members (p.34) for more information.
Congratulations to Lihong Wang recipient of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Director’s Pioneer Award of $3.8 million. Wang will use this award to explore novel
imaging techniques using light that promise significant improvements in biomedical imaging and
light therapy. See for the full press release.
oCtoBer 2012
Leonid Livshitz leaves to join the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Igor Effimov received a four-year, $2,065,048 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute for research titled “Arrhythmogenic Remodeling in Human Heart Failure.”
novemBer 2012
Huyen (Gwen) Nguyen was hired, replacing Kimberly Smith as the Cardiac Bioelectricity and
Arrhythmia Center’s (CBAC) Administrative Coordinator, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis.
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