Page 14 - Young Latinos. A Generation of Change_Telemundo - Buzzfeed_Sept 2020
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Young Latinos: A Generation of Change
Next Generation Issues
Next Generation issues, such as mental health
awareness, protecting the environment, reducing gun “NEXT GENERATION” ISSUES
violence and legalizing marijuana, are salient among
Gen Z and young Millennials. Almost half (45%) of
young Latinos rate these issues as their top priorities. % SAY ISSUE HISPANIC HISPANIC
As young people overall are paying more attention to TO VOTE TO NH
mental health and personal well-being, young Hispanics
recognize that they have neglected these in the past. NEXT GENERATION 45% 93
The lack of healthcare coverage has been a deterrent
to addressing these concerns, as Hispanics consistently Address Mental Health 47% 97
have the lowest healthcare coverage of all ethnic
groups. Many young Latinos lack healthcare coverage Protect Environment
because their employers do not offer it, their parents do (Address Climate Change) 47% 118
not have it or it is too expensive. In this study, 76% of
young Latinos have health insurance, far less than 83% Reduce Gun Violence 45% 107
of young non-Hispanic Whites. As for environmental
factors, more Latinos live in urban areas that often see Legalize Marijuana 41% 112
the worst cases of environmental neglect, characterized
by more pollution and compromised water quality. Read as: Hispanics are 7% less likely than non-Hispanics to rate
Over one-third (34%) of young Latinos in this study live concerns related to Next Generation Issues as important.
in large cities in urban areas compared to 24% of non- Index > 100 means Hispanic more than non-Hispanic.
Hispanic Whites. Source: Telemundo. Young Latino Voter Survey, June 2020.
The mass shooting tragedy in El Paso in August 2019
was a shock to Hispanics who had not experienced
a blatant hate crime of that magnitude. Gun-related
violence has, therefore, become a stress point for
Latinos who have seen an increase in anti-Hispanic
sentiment over the past few years.
African Americans and Latinos are disproportionately
charged and arrested for marijuana-related infractions
compared to their White non-Hispanic counterparts,
making them more likely targets for these arrests.
Recent reports show Hispanics were arrested five times
more than non-Hispanic Whites for low-level marijuana
charges in New York City , and two times more than
fizkes/ non-Hispanic Whites in California. Decriminalization
of marijuana is seen by many as a solution to reduce
As young Latinos experience increased incidents of mass the inequitable practices centered on minorities. Young
shootings across the country, resolving the problem of Hispanic males rank legalizing marijuana and reducing
gun violence has become a priority issue. The amount gun violence among their top ten issues, contrasting
of gun-related violence has soared in recent years, with young Latina voters who rank addressing mental
including Florida mass-shooting events at Parkland health and climate change among theirs.
High School and the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, both of
which occurred in areas that are over 80% Hispanic.
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