Page 17 - Young Latinos. A Generation of Change_Telemundo-BuzzFeed_Sept 2020-F
P. 17

Young Latinos: A Generation of Change


        Making their Mark

                                                                                               Jacob Lund/

        When they compare themselves to their parents, young Latinos say they are more informed, vocal, actively involved
        in social-political issues, and most importantly more likely to vote. At the same time, half (51%) share the same
        political affiliation as their parents. They do not consider themselves to be outsiders, however they continue to feel
        the dissonance of inequality that outsiders face.

        This unsettling reality in the times of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter is sparking a flame of engagement that will
        likely lead to more significant organization and advocacy in this pivotal election season.

                             65%           say they are more
                                                    of young Latinos

                     NEWS   informed than their parents.

                                                 52%           vocal or actively involved.
                                                                        say they are more

                                                                    52%           likely to vote.
                                                                                          say they are more

                                                                Source: Telemundo. Young Latino Voter Survey, June 2020.

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