Page 5 - Microsoft Word - Contradictions _2013_.doc
P. 5


            1.  What is rightly dividing the word of truth?
            2.  What is a dispensation?
            3.  Is there not an easier word than dispensation?
            4.  What is dispensationalism?
            5.  What is a dispensationalist?
            6.  What is progressive revelation?
            7.  Why is it important to know the different
            8.  Why can we not just obey the whole Bible?
            9.  How can these obviously different commands issued by
               the Lord Jesus Christ be reconciled with the fact that
               Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and for
            10. Has the Holy Spirit operated in the exact same manner
               throughout history?
            11. If we are going to make divisions in the Bible, what
               principle should we use to make divisions?
            12. What exactly is the Old Testament?
            13. When did the Old Testament start?
            14. Does the New Testament start at the book of Matthew?
            15. Are the New Testament and the New Covenant the
               same thing?
            16. If the New Testament could not have begun until after
               the cross, then under what dispensation did Jesus Christ
            17. Does the Bible always use the word gospel to mean the
               same thing?
            18. Is it true that everyone throughout history has been
               saved the same way we are today?
            19. Did saints in the Old Testament know everything that
               we  know today?
            20. Did Peter and Paul have different messages?

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