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Sebagai insan yang berkebolehan dan Ilavarasan believes that the achievements
berketrampilan dalam segenap aspek, Ilavarasan and recognition he has received so far could not
percaya pencapaian dan pengiktirafan yang telah have been possible without the help, support
diterima sehingga kini tidak dapat diperoleh tanpa and encouragement of the people around him.
bantuan, sokongan serta dorongan pelbagai pihak. He appreciates the tireless encouragement,
Beliau sangat menghargai dorongan tanpa jemu, guidance and prayers from his beloved parents,
tunjuk ajar serta doa daripada kedua ibu bapa yang the lecturers and support staff at the Department
tercinta, barisan pensyarah dan staf sokongan of Southeast Asian Studies and the Faculty of Arts
di Jabatan Pengajian Asia Tenggara dan Fakulti and Social Sciences, as well as the cooperation of
Sastera dan Sains Sosial serta kerjasama rakan- his friends and the Universiti Malaya community
rakan dan seluruh warga Universiti Malaya yang who gave him the space and opportunity to hone
telah memberikan ruang untuk mengasah bakat his skills and potential.
dan potensi beliau.
For having demonstrated overall excellence,
Atas kecemerlangan yang menyeluruh Ilavarasan TamilChelvan is conferred the recipient
maka Ilavarasan Tamilchelvan telah dinobatkan of the 2023 Universiti Malaya Royal Education
sebagai penerima Anugerah Pelajaran DiRaja 2023 Award.
Universiti Malaya.