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Perjalanan penyelidikan Profesor Ir. Dr. Mohd Professor Ir. Dr. Mohd Azlan Hussain’s
Azlan Hussain dalam bidang Teknik Bukan Linear research journey in the field of Nonlinear and
dan Kepintaran Buatan untuk Pemodelan dan Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Modeling
Kawalan Jurusan Kejuruteraan Kimia berkembang and Control in Chemical Engineering developed
pesat selepas tamat pengajian PhD di Imperial rapidly after he had completed his PhD at
College, London. Sekembalinya ke Malaysia, beliau Imperial College, London. Upon returning to
memulakan aktiviti penyelidikan Kawalan Proses Malaysia, he established the Process Control
dan bekerjasama dengan penyelidik terkemuka research activities and collaborated with
dari universiti di seluruh dunia. Ini membawa prominent researchers from universities around
kepada banyak penerbitan dan projek kerjasama. the world. This led to numerous publications
Usaha penyelidikan ini membawa beliau ke and collaborative projects. These research
pelbagai platform dan institusi antarabangsa endeavours took him to various international
yang ditaja oleh badan-badan seperti UNESCO, platforms and institutions, sponsored by bodies
Asian Development Bank (ADB), Japanese Society such as UNESCO, Asian Development Bank
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) dan ASEAN (ADB), the Japanese Society for the Promotion
University/Engineering Education Development of Science (JSPS) and ASEAN University/
Network (AUN/SEED-Net). Beliau juga pernah Engineering Education Development Network
dianugerahkan geran Royal Society of UK untuk (AUN/SEED-Net). He was also awarded a Royal
melakukan penyelidikan kolaboratif dengan Society of UK grant to conduct collaborative
universiti di United Kingdom. Profesor Ir. Dr. Mohd research with universities in the United Kingdom.
Azlan Hussain memainkan peranan yang penting Professor Ir. Dr. Mohd Azlan Hussain played a
dalam penubuhan Centre for Power Electronics, pioneering and pivotal role in the setting up of the
Drives, Automation, and Control (UMPEDAC) di Centre for Power Electronics, Drives, Automation,
Fakulti Kejuruteraan, merintis gabungan pelbagai and Control (UMPEDAC) at the Faculty of
disiplin kejuruteraan di bawah satu bumbung. Engineering, pioneering the combination of
Pusat ini menerima geran yang besar dan telah various engineering disciplines under one roof.
diisytiharkan sebagai HICOE (High Impact Research This centre received substantial grants and was
Centre of Excellence) oleh Kementerian Pengajian declared a HICOE (High Impact Research Centre
Tinggi. Beliau juga mempelopori pembentukan of Excellence) by the Ministry of Higher Education.
Malaysian Process Control Society (MyPCS) pada He also pioneered the formation of the Malaysian
tahun 2020 dan seterusnya diangkat sebagai Felo Process Control Society (MyPCS) in 2020,
badan tersebut. rendering him a fellow of the body.
Beliau telah menerbitkan lebih 230 kertas He has published over 230 journal papers
jurnal dan 270 kertas persidangan, termasuk 11 and 270 conference papers, including 11 book
bab buku dan 2 buku sebagai editor utama. Di chapters and 2 books as its main editor. In
samping sumbangan penyelidikannya, Profesor addition to his research contributions, Professor
Mohd Azlan Hussain telah terlibat secara aktif Mohd Azlan Hussain has been actively involved
dalam menilai pelbagai projek penyelidikan dan in evaluating numerous research projects and
penerbitan di peringkat nasional dan antarabangsa. publications at the national and international
Beliau berkhidmat sebagai pengerusi dan levels. He served as an organizing chairman and
pengerusi bersama untuk beberapa persidangan co-chairman for several prominent conferences
terkemuka dan memegang peranan sebagai and held academic advisory roles for various
penasihat akademik untuk pelbagai jabatan national and international chemical engineering
kejuruteraan kimia di peringkat kebangsaan dan departments. He is also a corporate member
antarabangsa. Beliau juga merupakan ahli korporat of several professional engineering and
beberapa organisasi kejuruteraan profesional chemical engineering organizations and has
dan kejuruteraan kimia dan telah diiktiraf been recognized for his editorial contributions
atas sumbangan editorial beliau kepada jurnal to reputable international journals including
antarabangsa bereputasi termasuk menjadi ketua being the editor-in-chief of the Asean Journal of
pengarang Asean Journal of Process Control. Process Control.
Beliau membangunkan alat novel He developed the novel “Ultrafiltration
“Ultrafiltration with Automated Cleaning System” with Automated Cleaning System” which
yang menerima pelbagai liputan media di samping received a wide media coverage and several
menerima beberapa anugerah berprestij di