Page 5 - Mainstreamer Volume 1 Issue 2 Feb 2023
P. 5
Of course, sometimes, I had to get a little help e-facilitator and course participants at any time
from friends or anybody else. That was my initial from any place. I was able to ask my e-facilitator
engageing experience with ODL system in OUM. and fellow students questions and seek advice
The required documents also could be uploaded to through the streamlined platforms. I was also able
the system. It was really convenience and it made to access e-lessons and e-lectures whenever I
my life much easier. At least, I could do it without wanted.
needing much assistance from sighted friends to
fill up various printed forms as required in the 4. My Library.
conventional model. through this virtual system, OUM offers a digital library that is both useful
I no longer need to go to various department to and practical for adult students. The library
submit documents as much as what we experience contains a range of facilities and is designed to
in the conventional system. That was some cater to the needs of ODL students. As a visually
inclusiveness elements within the online system. impaired learner, I am grateful that the digital
library enabled me to search for and access various
2. My profile. essential reading materials and references. Instead
My profile is one of the most important features of reading printed textbooks, I searched online
that helps visually impaired learners to update and databases for e-books and e-journals. These were
get their needed academics information such as the benefits of online learning from the standpoint
class schedules, dates and the venue of classes, of a visually challenged learner.
current semester results, transcripts, financial
matters statuses etc. in fact, I would considered Online learning assisted and supported me
this as the most convenient and the easiest ways throughout my study journey. I was able to reduce
for visually impaired learners to access such my dependence on others to search and read
important information. At least, visually impaired printed textbooks. Based on my own experience at
learners could obtain that information on their OUM, I believe that ODL is a viable alternative for
own via my profile provided there must be a visually impaired learners. It was very convenient,
computer with screen reader application facility. accommodating, and flexible. Most importantly, it
This have been changing the conventional methods allowed me to efficiently manage my studies while
for visually impaired learners to get information working.
by seeking someone’s help to read and check on The author is a lecturer, love to listening to music,
notice boards for when and where classes are travelling, writing, and keeping in tab with current issues.
scheduled. In addition, they do not require to be in
campus to find out their timetables and they could
get such information easily through online system
by themselves.
3. My Virtual Learning Environment (MYVLE).
As an ODL students, I can confidently say that
MYVLE is a highly useful, resourceful, and practical
portal for visually impaired students.
This portal enabled me to conveniently and
effectively manage my studies. MYVLE is accessible
to learners with special needs, such as myself,
and would allow us to manage our studies within
the ODL system. For example, I could simply turn
on my computer with an Internet connection to
download my assignment questions and modules,
check announcements and, most importantly,
participate in online forums and tutorials. Bu
using the online forums, I could interact with my
Vol. 01, Issue 2 | February 2023 4