Page 76 - Istiadat Konvo UM 60
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berjaya mendapat tajaan di bawah Program    of Business Administration, his study is sponsored
        Pelajar Cemerlang (PPC) 2020 daripada Jabatan   by the Public Service Department as part of the
        Perkhidmatan Awam.                          Excellent Student Program of 2020.
                                                       During his undergraduate studies at UM,
            Sepanjang bergelar mahasiswa UM, Chan
                                                    Chan Shien Zhi was actively involved in various
        Shien Zhi turut terlibat aktif dalam pelbagai
                                                    academic and co-curricular activities at the
        aktiviti akademik dan kokurikulum di peringkat
                                                    University, national and international levels.
        Universiti, kebangsaan dan juga antarabangsa.
                                                    His excellent qualities and leadership skills
        Sifat kecemerlangan dan kepimpinan beliau
                                                    were on display when he was appointed to hold
        terserlah apabila dilantik untuk memegang
                                                    key positions in the associations he joined. He
        beberapa jawatan utama dalam persatuan-
                                                    was chosen as the recipient of the CIMB Book
        persatuan yang dianggotai oleh beliau. Pernah
                                                    Prize Award in 2019 and represented UM at
        dipilih sebagai penerima CIMB Book Prize Award
                                                    six international conferences in China, Japan
        pada tahun 2019, Chan Shien Zhi telah mewakili
                                                    and Korea with full scholarships. Among the
        Universiti sebanyak enam kali ke persidangan
                                                    conferences were Youngsan University Global
        antarabangsa di China, Jepun and Korea dengan
                                                    Collaboration Program Winter 2020, Tsinghua
        mendapat tajaan biasiswa penuh. Antara
        persidangan-persidangan lain yang diwakili   University Financial Leader of Tomorrow
        oleh beliau adalah Youngsan University Global   2019, Southwestern University of Finance and
        Collaboration Program Winter 2020, Tsinghua   Economics (Discover SWUFE International
        University Financial Leader of Tomorrow 2019,   Summer School 2019), Tsinghua University
        Southwestern University of Finance and Economics   Experiencing China 2018, Beihang University
        (Discover SWUFE International Summer School   International Summer School 2017, Kyushu
        2019), Tsinghua University Experiencing China   University, Japan (Global Leadership and
        2018, Beihang University International Summer   Kyushu-Malaysia Experience 2017). Other
        School 2017 dan Kyushu University, Japan (Global   than that, he was selected to participate in the
        Leadership and Kyushu-Malaysia Experience   Perdana Fellows Programme 2018 under the
                                                    auspices of the Prime Minister’s Department of
        2017). Selain itu, beliau juga telah dipilih untuk
                                                    Malaysia. Through this programme he had the
        menyertai Program Felo Perdana 2018 di bawah
                                                    opportunity to gain valuable experiences and
        Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Menerusi program
                                                    exposure to Federal Government Policy planning
        tersebut beliau terpilih sebagai mentee di bawah
                                                    and implementation under the mentorship of the
        bimbingan Ketua Setiausaha Negara (KSN) dan
                                                    Chief Secretary to the Government.
        berpeluang untuk memperolehi pengalaman dan
        diberi pendedahan kepada proses perancangan
                                                       Chan Shien Zhi sees the principle of
        dan pelaksanaan Polisi Kerajaan Persekutuan.
                                                    integrity as the main foundation of achievement
            Chan Shien Zhi berpegang pada prinsip   and recognition. He attributes his success to
        integriti yang merupakan asas utama pencapaian   encouragement and support from his parents
        dan pengiktirafan yang telah diperolehi sehingga   and beloved family, guidance from lecturers at
        kini. Kejayaan beliau juga adalah hasil daripada   the Faculty of Economics & Administration in
        dorongan dan sokongan yang berterusan oleh   particular and the University in general as well
        kedua ibu bapa dan keluarga tercinta, tunjuk ajar   as support and cooperation from his friends.
        daripada pensyarah-pensyarah khususnya di
        Fakulti Ekonomi & Pentadbiran dan UM amnya     For his outstanding excellence in academic
        serta sokongan dan kerjasama rakan-rakan.   and non-academic fields, Chan Shien Zhi
                                                    is therefore declared as the recipent of the
                                                    Universiti Malaya Royal Education Award 2020.
            Atas kecemerlangan yang menyeluruh
        dalam bidang akademik serta bukan akademik,
        maka Chan Shien Zhi telah dinobatkan sebagai
        penerima Anugerah Pelajaran DiRaja 2020
        Universiti Malaya.

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