Page 72 - JICE Volume 6 Issue 2 FULL FINAL
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JICE           Journal of International and Comparative Education

                          Volume 6, Issue 2, 2017

                                 Contents of this Issue

            Governance and Academic Culture in Higher Education: Under the Influence   Pg. 63-75
            of the SSCI Syndrome
            Chuing Prudence Chou
            National Chengchi University
            Chi-Fong Chan
            Macau Polytechnic Institute
            The Road Ahead for the Higher Education Sector in Vietnam               Pg. 77-89
            Le Thi Kim Anh
            Hanoi National University of Education
            Martin Hayden
            Southern Cross University
            Shadow Education in Malaysia: Identifying the Determinants of Spending   Pg. 91-103
            and Amount of Time Attending Private Supplementary Tutoring of Upper
            Secondary School Students
            Chang Da Wan
            Universiti Sains Malaysia
            Benedict Weerasena
            Bait al Amanah
            Mobility, Mutual Recognition and ASEAN Community Building:            Pg. 105-121
            The Road to Sustainable ASEAN Integration
            Roger Y Chao Jr.
            UNESCO International Centre for Higher Education Innovation
            Book Review: Education in Bhutan: Culture, Schooling,                 Pg. 123-125
            and Gross National Happiness
            Mark Mancall
            Stanford University
            Book Review: Teaching and Learning in Lower Secondary Schools in the Era   Pg. 127-128
            of PISA and TIMSS
            Meng Yew Tee
            University of Malaya

            Published by
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