Page 23 - Buku Istiadat Konvokesyen Khas 2024
P. 23

The Universiti Malaya Coat of Arms was designed   The word “KEMAJUAN” is a modern term portraying
                by the Chairman of Council, Tan Sri Dr. Y. C. Foo,   the concept of economic and societal development
                the Vice-Chancellor, Professor A. Oppenheim and   derived from 20th century Western civilization.
                Royal Professor Ungku A. Aziz. The first Chancellor,   In the central part the Coat of Arms, there is
                YTM  Tunku  Abdul  Rahman  Putra  Al-Haj,  officially   a hibiscus which is surrounded by three tigers. The
                introduced the Coat of Arms in April 1962.  three tigers represent the various races in Malaysia
                    The Coat of Arms is divided into two parts;   who protect our nation. The three tigers also
                the upper part is a bundle of seventeen strips of   symbolise the three main groups in the University
                palmyra  palm  (borassus  flabellifera).  The  motto   who work together in the service of the nation,
                of the University, “ILMU PUNCHA KEMAJUAN” is   namely, the academic and administrative staff, the
                written on one of the centre strips. This bundle of   support staff and the students.
                palm strips symbolises the kind of book used by the   The flower and the tigers stand in an azure field
                Malays in ancient times before paper was available   symbolising the seas of the archipelago which lie
                in the region.
                                                           between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea
                    The motto on the Coat of Arms consists of   and which link Sabah and Sarawak with Peninsular
                the words “PUNCHA” from Sanskrit and “ILMU” from   Malaysia. In conclusion, the Coat of Arms of the
                Arabic. Both languages have been the main sources   Universiti Malaya encapsulates the foundational
                for the development of Malay language and culture.   philosophy of the University.

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