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which will be published in the near future. He
               yang dijangka diterbitkan dalam masa terdekat.
                                                           was also an Associate Editor of Respirology
               Beliau juga merupakan Editor Bersekutu
               Respirology (jurnal rasmi Asian Pacific Society   (the official journal of Asian Pacific Society
               of Respirology) dan International Journal of   of Respirology and International Journal of
                                                           Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
               Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
                   Selain daripada aktif dalam bidang          Outside the academia, Professor Liam is
               penyelidikan, Profesor Liam juga terlibat   actively involved in many professional societies
               dalam persatuan dan organisasi profesional.   and organisations. He is the former President
               Beliau adalah mantan Presiden dan Ahli Majlis   and Council Member of the Malaysian Thoracic
               Pertubuhan Torasik Malaysia (Malaysian      Society, Council Member of the Asian Pacific
               Thoracic Society), Ahli Majlis Asian Pacific Society   Society of Respirology as well as a Fellow of
               of Respirology serta Felo American College of   the American College of Chest Physicians,
               Chest Physicians, Royal College of Physicians   Royal College of Physicians (London) and

               (London) dan Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.   the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology. He
               Beliau juga merupakan Regent Antarabangsa   was the American College of Chest Physicians
               American College of Chest Physicians untuk   International Regent for Malaysia from 2006
               Malaysia dari 2006 hingga 2012 serta ahli   to 2012 and also an active member of the Asia
               aktif kumpulan Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Group,   Pacific Lung Cancer Group, a chapter of the
               sebahagian persatuan International Association   International Association for the Study of Lung
               for the Study of Lung Cancer. Beliau telah   Cancer. He headed the Lung Cancer Assembly
               mengetuai Perhimpunan Kanser Paru-paru      of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology from
               (Lung Cancer Assembly) Asian Pacific Society of   2016 to 2019.
               Respirology dari 2016 hingga 2019.
                                                               Professor Liam was involved in the
                   Profesor Liam terlibat dalam pembangunan   development of Clinical Practice Guidelines
               Garis Panduan Amalan Klinikal  atau Clinical   (CPG) on the management of adult asthma (in
                                                           1996), tuberculosis (1997), chronic  obstructive
               Practice Guidelines (CPG) mengenai rawatan
                                                           pulmonary disease (1998) and chaired the
               penyakit asma dewasa (pada tahun 1996),
                                                           working group for the second edition of the
               tibi (1997), penyakit pulmonari obstruktif
                                                           CPG on the management of chronic  obstructive
               kronik (COPD) (1998) dan mempengerusikan
                                                           pulmonary disease (2009) under the auspices
               kumpulan kerja untuk edisi kedua CPG pada
                                                           of the Ministry of Health, Malaysia as well
               rawatan COPD (2009) di bawah naungan
                                                           as evidence-based recommendations on
               Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia serta cadangan
                                                           antimicrobial management of respiratory tract
               berasaskan bukti mengenai rawatan antimikrob
                                                           infections in Asia (1998).
               bagi jangkitan saluran pernafasan di Asia (1998).
                   Beliau diiktiraf di peringkat tempatan      He is a recognised local and international
               serta antarabangsa sebagai pakar dalam kanser   expert on lung cancer and he was invited to
               paru-paru dan beliau telah menerima banyak   speak and conduct workshops at many national,
               jemputan sebagai sebagai penceramah dan     regional and international meetings such as
               serta mengendalikan bengkel di mesyuarat    the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR)
               kebangsaan, serantau dan antarabangsa seperti   Congress, World Conference on Lung Cancer and
               Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR)   International Association for the Study of Lung
               Congress, World Conference on Lung Cancer   Cancer workshops on lung cancer.
               and bengkel-bengkel kanser paru-paru tajaan
               International Association for the Study of Lung

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