Page 130 - VAIKRA
P. 130
Why did Moshe Rabbeinu erect and dismantle the Mishkan anew during
each of the first seven days of the inauguration? Why did he not leave it
standing and wait until Hashem would rest His Shechinah upon it? This
is because Moshe knew that Hashem desired to rest His Shechinah among
His children on condition that they clearly yearned for His Presence.
Therefore, Moshe dismantled the Mishkan every evening, in order to
arouse Am Yisrael to do complete teshuvah, demonstrating their yearning
for Hashem’s Presence. In this way they would merit having the
Shechinah reside amongst them.
Similarly, Eliyahu Hanavi told Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi that Mashiach
is ready to arrive each day. However, his arrival is on condition that Am
Yisrael fulfill the words “Even today, if we but heed His call!” This
implies that on the day that Hashem’s call to fulfill His mitzvot is heeded,
we will merit the everlasting redemption, since the Mashiach is already
prepared and waiting to appear.
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