Page 176 - VAIKRA
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korbanot, they would be aroused to connect to Hashem and cleave to Him. # 26347-EYAL-6
Likewise, when they would witness the cows being slaughtered, all traces
of the sin of the Golden Calf would be removed from their hearts.
When a person transgresses in any way, he should strengthen himself and
rectify his misdeed in a way that corresponds to the nature of his sin. In
this way he will be able to repair his iniquity. Bnei Yisrael were
commanded to sacrifice animals as korbanot in order to remove any traces
left of the sin of the Golden Calf.
Why did Hashem judge Am Yisrael so severely when they sinned with
the Golden Calf, to the extent that He removed His Shechinah from them?
Moshe Rabbeinu erected and dismantled the Mishkan during the first
seven days of miluim, and on the eighth day he requested of Aharon to
sacrifice the sin-offering. This was because Moshe knew that the eighth
day was of a supernatural nature and therefore possessed the potential for “It was on the eighth day, Moshe called to
the Shechinah to descend precisely then. Aharon was specifically chosen Aharon and his sons, and to the elders of Israel.
to sacrifice the offering in order to atone for his part in the sin of the He said to Aharon: Take yourself a calf, a
Golden Calf, despite his virtuous intentions. young male of cattle, for a sin-offering and a
The Noam Elimelech says that sometimes a person’s prayers are not ram, for an olah-offering – unblemished; and
accepted Above because his sins create a barrier between him and offer [them] before Hashem”
Hashem. In order for his prayers to be heard, he should do teshuvah.
(Vayikra 9:1-2)
There are three types of relationships which require good manners. The
first is good manners in relation to the people around us, the second is
toward ourselves, and the third is exhibiting good manners toward
Hashem. When Bnei Yisrael fashioned the Golden Calf, they exhibited a
lack of good manners toward Hashem. We are taught that “good manners
preceded the [giving of] the Torah,” Hashem removed His Shechinah
from them in order to emphasize the magnitude of their iniquity and
indicate their shortcomings.
Hashem commanded Moshe to build the Mishkan in order to sacrifice
korbanot in it. When Am Yisrael would observe the service of the