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the reason that the pasuk specifies that Aharon “descended.” He lowered
                   himself in order to be able to bless the people.

 “Moshe said to Aharon: Of this did Hashem  Aharon specifically chose to excel in this trait because he feared that the
 speak, saying: I will be sanctified through those  splendid garments that he was required to wear while serving as the

 whoare closetoMe, andIwill be honored  Kohen Gadol would arouse a feeling of haughtiness in his heart. In order
 before the entire people; and Aharon fell silent”  to merit the Shechinah of Hashem descending following his sacrifice of
                   the korbanot, he reinforced the trait of humility.

 (Vayikra 10:3)    The Noam Elimelech explains this pasuk in the following way. It is the
                   way of a tzaddik to always be connected and cling to the Upper Worlds.
                   However, he also wishes to be connected with Klal Yisrael and to benefit
                   them. Therefore, he descends from his lofty level in order to be a part of
                   the nation and relate to their needs. Aharon also possessed strong feelings
                   of love in his heart toward the people, wanting to bless them. Therefore,
                   he had to descend from his lofty level in order to reach out to the people
                   and bless them.

                   The approach of tzaddikim is to constantly examine their deeds to see if
                   there are any traces of sin or hirhurim ra’im. This is supported by the
                   words of the pasuk, since the sacrifices of the sin-offerings and
                   olah-offerings mentioned are brought in order to atone for hirhurim ra’im.
                   In addition, the peace-offering expresses the desire to be attached to the
                   Upper Worlds and make peace among the celestial hosts. Also Aharon
                   feared that perhaps he possessed a trace of haughtiness, which corresponds
                   to avodah zarah. Therefore, he reinforced his trait of humility by
                   descending to the people and blessing them.                 26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 7 - A | 18-08-19 | 15:24:54 | SR:-- | Black   26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 7 - A | 18-08-19 | 15:24:54 | SR:-- | Magenta   26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 7 - A | 18-08-19 | 15:24:54 | SR:-- | Cyan   #26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 7



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