Page 215 - VAIKRA
P. 215

The reason for the delay in the descent of the Shechinah was because the                                                                                                                                        #                                                               26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 7 - B | 18-08-19 | 15:24:55 | SR:-- | Black   26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 2
 sin of the Golden Calf had not entirely been forgiven. Because of the delay
 of the Shechinah’s descent, ultimately it led to achieving complete
 atonement for the sin. Moshe had labored for eight days erecting the
 Mishkan each morning, and Aharon had sacrificed the korbanot, but the
 Shechinah had not yet descended. Moshe entered the Mishkan with
 Aharon to pray, and during this time all the people repented for fashioning                                          There was no joy that surpassed the intense joy at the Chanukat
 the Golden Calf. Thus, the anguish of Aharon and the people ultimately                                               Hamishkan. On that day, Am Yisrael saw that the sin of the Golden Calf
 made them worthy of complete forgiveness; thereafter, the Shechinah                                                  had been completely forgiven, and Hashem was no longer angry at them.
                                                                                                                      Their joy was boundless, since Hashem informed them that from then on,
 descended upon them.
                                                                                                                      even if they would sin, He would not remove His Shechinah from them.
 The reason that Moshe taught Aharon the procedure of burning the ketoret                                             Instead He would punish them to atone for their sin. In this way, Hashem
 specifically at this time is because it has the ability to save the people from                                      would be able to continue resting His Shechinah among them forever.
 plagues. When Moshe saw that the Shechinah had not descended on the                                                  When Aharon’s sons died precisely on that day, Am Yisrael realized that
 Mishkan, he feared that Hashem would strike His close ones in order to                                               Hashem truly would not remove His Shechinah from them again. As proof
 sanctify them. Thus, he taught Aharon the procedure of burning the                                                   of this, when Aharon’s sons transgressed, He did not remove His
 ketoret so that they should know how to stop a plague, which might well                                              Shechinah from their midst, but instead, took their lives.
 ensue.                                                                                                               The pasuk “Serve Hashem with gladness, come before Him with joyous
                                                                                                                      song” describes the sentiments on the day of the Chanukat Hamishkan.
 Moshe and Aharon blessed the people upon exiting the Mishkan,                                                        There was fervent rejoicing when a Heavenly fire descended from Heaven
 beseeching Hashem to protect them from a plague, as they said, “May                                                  and consumed the korbanot of Am Yisrael.
 the Shechinah rest in the work of your hands.” In this way they
 succeeded in preparing the remedy for the plague before it actually                                                  Why specifically on this day did Hashem curtail the joyous celebration
 struck.                                                                                                              through the death of Aharon’s two sons? The reason for this is implied in
                                                                                                                      the words “I will be sanctified through those who are close to Me.”
                                                                                                                      Hashem established that He would remain among Bnei Yisrael even when
                                                                                                                      they sin. However, in order to pacify the accusations against them, He
                                                                                                                      would have to take retribution from those who sin, as in the death of
                                                                                                                      Aharon’s sons.
                                                                                                                      Thereafter, it says, “And Aharon was silent.” This indicates that Aharon
                                                                                                                      understood Hashem’s message, which He wished to impart to His nation.
                                                                                                                      Therefore, he accepted it silently, which is the equivalent to agreement.
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