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necessary in order to diminish the passion for immorality. Since the 9 vaikra
responsibility of the devastation rests upon the shoulders of women, as
punishment for this, the tumah following the birth of a female is double
the time than after a male.
Following the sin, Am Yisrael were commanded to learn Torah in order
to repair the nitzotzot of kedushah that were flawed as its result. The man
is commanded to learn Torah, whereas the woman is exempt. The Torah
that is learned while in a state of tumah and keri cannot be compared to
the Torah learned in a state of purity. Therefore, a woman becomes pure
more quickly following the birth of a son. In this way, the male, who is
nourished by his mother, will be affected for a shorter time by her
impurity, in order that it should not decrease the quality of his learning.
This does not apply to a female, who is not required to learn Torah.
The combined sum of days of the woman’s primary tumah after the birth
of both a son and daughter has the same numerical value as Hashem’s
Name . This Name is Hashem’s primary Name, from which all
other Names were derived. Adam Harishon was created through this
Name. However, when he sinned by eating from the Forbidden Tree, he
flawed this special Name. The suffering of the woman during her days of
niddah atone for and correct the flaw in the Name ,which the
woman caused by persuading man to eat from the Tree of Knowledge.
The sum of days in which a woman remains in her blood of impurity after
the births of both a son and daughter equals one hundred. This
corresponds to the one hundred blessings said each day, which have the
potential to reinforce one’s yirat Shamayim. Likewise, the one hundred
blessings correspond to the ten sefirot, since each sefirah is composed of
another ten sefirot, which totals one hundred. By counting the days of her
purity, she contributes toward repairing the connection that had once
existed between man and Hashem prior to her sin.