Page 33 - VAIKRA
P. 33
vaikra It is customary to first begin teaching children the parshiyot concerning
korbanot, because these parshiyot arouse young hearts to dedicate
themselves to serve Hashem with mesirut nefesh, due to the untarnished
innocence and purity they possess. Just as a child is ready to sacrifice
himself for a trivial candy, likewise, he can be trained to channel this trait
of mesirut nefesh toward fulfilling Hashem’s will.
The letter that appears in small print in the word hints at the
small children, from whom we can learn self-sacrifice. It also signifies that
man must honor and appreciate even ordinary mitzvot that seem
insignificant to him, and not just invest in the more famous and infrequent
Each person is obligated to fulfill his mission in this world and to sacrifice
himself for the fulfillment of mitzvot that require extraordinary effort. In
this way he will merit special protection from Hashem.
“Hashem called to Moshe, and spoke to him
from the Tent of Meeting saying: Speak to the
Children of Israel and say to them: When a
person from among you will bring an offering
to Hashem: from the animals – from the cattle
and from the flocks you shall bring your
(Vayikra 1:1-2)
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