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existence is dependent on fulfilling the Torah as their mission, dedicate   vaikra  12                                                                                                                                                                                                       #                                                               26347-EYAL-6
                   themselves to seeking Torah.

                   The sensation experienced in the Upper Worlds is unfathomable. It is                           “Hashem spoke to Moshe after the death of
                   hidden from those below, as it says, “How abundant is Your goodness that                       Aharon’s two sons, when they approached
                   You have stored away for those who fear You.” Whoever wishes to
                   experience a taste of the World to Come should attach himself to the                           before Hashem, and they died”
                   Torah, which possesses the flavor of the World to Come. This is why                                                                          (Vayikra 16:1)
                   Moshe, himself, commanded Bnei Yisrael about Shabbat, despite all other
                   mitzvot being transmitted through the agents appointed over the
                   thousands, the hundreds, etc. Since Shabbat is a taste of the World to
                   Come, only one who went up to Heaven and actually tasted the Heavenly
                   flavor would be able to transmit it appropriately. Shabbat is equivalent to
                   the entire Torah. By keeping Shabbat, as well as by learning Torah, one
                   can experience a taste of the World to Come.

                   Nadav and Avihu became exceedingly elevated after their deaths.
                   Therefore, their conventional names could no longer define their exalted
                   spiritual essence. Thus, their names remained hidden. This is similar to
                   the Upper Worlds, which are hidden and unfathomable by human beings,
                   except for those who learn Torah.

                   Similarly, Hashem called Moshe “the son of Amram,” because he became
                   extremely sanctified after ascending to Heaven, resembling an angel.
                   Therefore, his conventional name could not properly reflect his exalted
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