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described in parashat Shemini? Why do the two parshiyot of Tazria and
Metzora separate between the description of the death of Aharon’s sons,
in parashat Shemini, and the laws of the Kohanim, discussed here in
Acharei Mot?
Whoever says that Aharon’s sons sinned is mistaken. This is proved by
the fact that Am Yisrael were commanded to bewail the conflagration that
Hashem had ignited. In addition, it says, “when they approached before
Hashem.” This indicates that their sole desire was to draw closer to
Hashem. It is also written regarding Aharon’s sons that “they gazed at
G-d, yet they ate and drank.” This implies that even their mundane act of
eating and drinking was performed in utmost sanctity.
David Hamelech, who testified about himself that the Torah was his main
interest, eliminated his Yetzer Hara and filled his entire being with Torah
and Avodat Hashem. Similarly, Aharon’s sons conquered their Yetzer
Hara and dedicated themselves entirely to becoming attached to Hashem.
This is the reason that we mention their death on Yom Kippur. Since the
death of tzaddikim atone for the sins of the generation, we pray to Hashem
that in the merit of Nadav and Avihu we will be worthy of being judged
favorably on Yom Kippur.
The Torah separates the parshiyot Shemini and Acharei Mot with the two
parshiyot of Tazria and Metzora. This signifies that the cause of Nadav
and Avihu’s deaths was the sin of lashon hara, since many laws
concerning lashon hara are discussed in these parshiyot. Aharon’s sons
were found guilty for declaring “When will these two elders die so that
we can lead the nation instead?” Although they had beneficial intentions,
they were blamed for not exercising extra caution in their speech, as
befitting their exalted level of piety.
This parashah is called Acharei Mot to memorialize Nadav and Avihu, in
order that they should be remembered for all generations to come.
Moreover, their names are mentioned on Yom Kippur. Aharon’s sons
succeeded in eliminating their Yetzer Hara entirely. They became highly