Page 390 - VAIKRA
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avoid sinning, they merit disconnecting from the nations and becoming
consecrated solely for Hashem.
The pasuk says, and I have separated you from among the peoples to be
Mine.” Rashi teaches, “If you are separated from [the other peoples], you
are Mine. But if not, you belong to Nebuchadnezzar and his colleagues.”
Hashem commanded Moshe to warn Aharon not to enter the Kodesh Why did Rashi include Nebuchadnezzar and his colleagues in his
Hakodashim randomly, but only as permitted on Yom Kippur. It is explanation? It is because when Am Yisrael follow the ways of the
surprising that this warning was necessary. We would not suspect that nations, ultimately those nations persecute them. In addition, the nations
Aharon would enter without permission, especially after his two sons died gain Hashem’s favor instead of Bnei Yisrael, as the Navi prophesied
for seeking to connect to Hashem in an unpermitted way. In addition, regarding Nebuchadnezzar, referring to him affectionately as “My
Aharon did not wish to accept the position of a Kohen Gadol. He only servant.”
agreed after Moshe convinced him. Thus, it is clear that he would not have Furthermore, Bnei Yisrael are obligated to distance themselves from vice
presumptuously entered the Kodesh Hakodashim without permission.
for Hashem’s sake, with the intention of fulfilling Hashem’s will. When
“The deeds of the forefathers are portents for their children.” This implies abstaining from sin, they should intend to do so solely for Hashem’s sake
that children generally inherit the traits of their parents. Nadav and Avihu and not because it is convenient for them.
aspired to connect with the Divine fire because they learned from their
father to seek closeness with Hashem. Consequently, their sin did not stem The two categories of kedushah are split into three levels: (1) Fulfilling
from haughtiness, but only because they absorbed from their father the mitzvot and abstaining from sin. The virtue of one who performs mitzvot
trait of self-sacrifice for Hashem’s sake. However, they failed to realize and avoids sin is unfathomable. (2) Sanctifying oneself through that which
that they had not yet reached this lofty level; therefore they died. is permitted according to the Torah. (3) Adhering to the words of the
For this reason, Hashem commanded Aharon to beware of entering the Torah with the intention of sanctifying Hashem’s Name and fulfilling His
Kodesh Hakodashim. He knew that Aharon possessed the trait of will, solely for Hashem’s sake.
self-sacrifice. Because of His overwhelming love for Aharon, Hashem did Parashat Kedoshim begins by emphasizing the importance of achieving
not want him to die by overstepping his limits in his desire to draw close greater levels in kedushah and ends by describing the worst level of
to Hashem, as his sons had. The Torah seeks to protect a person’s life, as tumah. This teaches that one can never remain stationary in his Avodat
it says, “And live by them.”
Hashem. Either one achieves sanctification and elevation in kedushah,or
Aharon Hakohen believed that a person should serve Hashem even in the he regresses and declines spiritually, ultimately engaging in the sorcery of
absence of a leader, who shows him the way. Therefore, he did not want Ov or Yid’oni, rachmana litzlan.
to participate in fashioning the Golden Calf. However, Bnei Yisrael did
not accept his opinion, and they had already murdered Chur in their zeal.
For this reason, Aharon instructed them in fashioning the Golden Calf.
Aharon was not punished for the sin of the Golden Calf because Hashem # 26347-EYAL-6