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                   Parashat Kedoshim is contiguous with parashat Acharei Mot, giving rise
                   to the maxim “                     – “After death one is considered
                   holy.” After a person dies, he is remembered as being holy, since “there
                   are those who attain their portion in the World to Come in an hour.”
                   The gaon, Rabbi Yaakov ben Shabbat, said that one may not suspect a
                   tzaddik of sinning, because even if he transgressed, he did so only for the
                   purpose of subsequently fulfilling the mitzvah of teshuvah. Only Hashem,
                   Who can scrutinize one’s intentions, can judge the person.

                   The Chachamim allowed Ben Azzai to divorce his wife and be exempt
                   from the mitzvah to be fruitful and multiply, whereas Chizkiyahu
                   Hamelech was severely punished for not getting married in the first place.
                   This is because Ben Azzai was totally immersed in the study of Torah,
                   exempting him from being involved in other mitzvot, as it says, “When
                   one is in the midst of performing a mitzvah – he is absolved of performing
                   another mitzvah at that time.” However, Chizkiyahu Hamelech, despite his
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