Page 475 - VAIKRA
P. 475
The Kohen Gadol has an additional kedushah, and is therefore prohibited
from becoming tamei even for the sake of burying his closest relatives. It
should be every person’s aspiration to resemble the Kohen Gadol by
“Hashem spoke to Moshe, saying: Speak to the increasing his study of Torah and adding safeguards to improve his
entire assembly of the Children of Israel and say observance of mitzvot.
to them: You shall be holy, for holy am I,
Hashem, your G-d”
(Vayikra 19:1-2)
“Any man or woman in whom there shall be the
sorceryofOvorofYid’oni,theyshall be putto
death; they shall pelt them with stones, their
blood is upon them” “Hashem said to Moshe: Say to the Kohanim,
(ibid. 20:27) the sons of Aharon, and you shall say to them:
to a [dead] person he shall not become impure
among his people”
(Vayikra 21:1) # 26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 15 - B | 18-08-19 | 15:24:57 | SR:-- | Black 26347-EYAL-6BOOKS -