Page 512 - VAIKRA
P. 512


                   The Torah does not specifically mention the festival of Shavuot, but states
                   that at the conclusion of the counting of the omer “a new meal-offering”
                   should be offered, which refers to Shavuot. It is surprising why all other
                   festivals are described in detail, but Shavuot is merely hinted at.         16
                   The festival of Shavuot commemorates Matan Torah, and the study of
                   Torah is considered as “a new meal-offering to Hashem.” This is why the
                   Torah alludes to the festival of Shavuot in this way. Chazal teach that each
                   day that a person learns Torah, he should feel as if he received the Torah
                   Am Yisrael is the only nation who takes their book of laws and dances
                   with it enthusiastically. It is truly amazing, since the Torah is replete with
                   prohibitions and restrictions. Why are people excited about it? The other
                   nations only follow their religion in public. However, in private, they do
                   not live according to their belief. Therefore, they do not rejoice with their
                   religious doctrines. Since the Torah is Am Yisrael’s lifeline, Am Yisrael
                   rejoice in it and willingly abide by its laws.

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