Page 518 - VAIKRA
P. 518
There are two types of korbanot:a korban of an animal or vegetation,
grain, etc., and a korban in which one sacrifices a part of himself by
relinquishing his will in order to fulfill Hashem’s will. This corresponds
to the words of the pasuk, “And you shall offer a new meal-offering to
The word “new” indicates the need to constantly rejuvenate one’s Avodat
Hashem, as it says, “Each day they (the mitzvot) shall seem new in your
A person should be careful not to perform routine mitzvot by habit, as it
says, “And it will be because of your listening.” The Torah warns
about meticulously fulfilling even mitzvot which seem trivial and are
generally trampled upon, indicated by the word (heel), and not taken
The way to rest from one’s rigorous schedule is by learning Torah. This
is contrary to the voice of the Yetzer Hara, who convinces one to relax by
seeking all sorts of entertainment which are not compatible with a Torah
lifestyle. The ideal manner of relaxation is alluded to by the word
(meal-offering), which is a derivative of the word (rest). This
indicates that the way to truly relax is by dedicating oneself to Torah, as
it says, “The truly free man is the one who engages in the study of the
I came across a sefer stating that one of the reasons for shemittah is for
the farmers to make up for their lack of Torah study during the six years
that they are engaged in working the land. From this one can understand
how precious Am Yisrael’s study of Torah is to Hashem. # 26347-EYAL-6