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                   pronounced the Name and blasphemed – so they
 After the Days of Awe, Hashem requests that His people celebrate another
 day with Him on Shemini Atzeret, since their departure is hard for Him.  brought him to Moshe; the name of his mother
 Can one additional day really ease the difficulty of the parting? It would  was Shelomit the daughter of Divri, of the tribe
 seem that each additional day spent together makes the separation more  of Dan”
 painful. What is the reason for this request?               (Vayikra 24:11-12)

 This teaches us how important each day is to Hashem, and how much one
 can accomplish in one single day. This is portrayed by the story of David
 Hamelech. Hashem did not agree to detract a day of David’s life, because
 each day was more precious to Him than all the korbanot that Shlomo
 Hamelech was destined to sacrifice. Even though David explicitly
 requested not to die on Shabbat, Hashem refused to take his life one day
 earlier, on Friday. On the other hand, Hashem did not grant him an
 additional day, allowing him to live until Sunday, since it was beyond the
 timespan allotted to him.

 Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai rarely left the Beit Hamidrash, since he
 recognized the value of each day engaged in learning Torah. Likewise,
 because of the appreciation he had for basking in the Presence of
 Hashem’s Shechinah, he did not want to miss the opportunity by being

 Each person should aspire to cleave to Hashem during the entire year, and
 not only on the special festival days, because of the importance of each
 day spent in Avodat Hashem and the study of Torah.
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