Page 58 - VAIKRA
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for him before he answered her. Is it conceivable that for such a trivial
matter Rabban Shimon was sentenced to death? It is also difficult to
understand why Rabban Shimon investigated the matter so extensively
after he heard that it was a decree from Heaven. It might seem that he did
not accept the justice of Heaven without question. Rabban Shimon did not
investigate for his own purposes, but only in order to teach future
generations how important it is for a Nasi to accord proper honor to the
Rashi explains that the word denotes affection reserved for angels.
However, it is printed with a small as if to denote chance and tumah.
“Hashem called to Moshe, and spoke to him This is because Moshe Rabbeinu, the most humble of all men, did not
from the Tent of Meeting saying…” want to be recorded for posterity in a way that denotes great honor.
(Vayikra 1:1) It is difficult to understand why Hashem agreed to Moshe’s request, since
“If one’s offering is an olah-offering from the this would seem to disgrace him. However, “In the path a man chooses to
cattle, he shall bring a perfect male; he shall go, he is led with the aid of Heaven.”
bring it to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, Hashem “called to Moshe” specifically from the Ohel Moed since it is
in accordance with his will, before Hashem” symbolic. The first letters of the words (adding one for the
(Vayikra 1:3) unit) have the same numerical value as , which hints at the Torah. The
last letters of these words form the word (pauper), signifying that those
who wish to acquire Torah must humble themselves.
The word “ – tent” denotes temporariness and movement. This hints
to the statement, “Exile yourself to a place of Torah.”
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