Page 202 - Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results
P. 202

dead, they are brittle and dry.

                                          us whoever is stiff and in exible
                                                  is a disciple of death.
                                              Whoever is so and yielding
                                                    is a disciple of life.

                                           e hard and stiff will be broken.
                                            e so and supple will prevail.

                                                        —LAO TZU

                    Habits deliver numerous bene          ts, but the downside is that they can lock
                us into our previous patter ns of thinking and acting—even when the world
                is shiing around us. Ever ything is imper manent. Life is constantly

                changing, so you need to per iodically check in to see if your old habits and
                beliefs are still ser ving you.
                    A lack of self-awareness is poison. Re        ection and review is the antidote.

                                                  Chapter Summary

                      e upside of habits is that we can do things without thinking. e
                      downside is that we stop paying attention to little er rors.
                      Habits + Deliberate Practice = Master y

                      Re   ection and review is a process that allows you to remain conscious
                      of your per formance over time.
                      e tighter we cling to an identity, the harder it becomes to grow
                      beyond it.
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