Page 204 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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208      LIFE IS GOOD | Quiz

                             LIFE IS GOOD

                             AND CHILDREN

                             In our world of adults a lot of serious and not serious
                           works have been written about what success is, how to
                           achieve your goals, and to become rich and successful.
                           However  our children have  their  own opinion on  this
                           respect, and who knows maybe they have already
                           disclosed the secret of a better life? Our your experts
                           were asked some questions. And here are their answers.

            Illya FILIPPOV, 15 years old                      Evelina MERZKYAKOVA, 8 years old

              Success is when a person has achieved his global   Success is when you are able to do everything. For
            dream and now he is lying in a house at the ocean and   example, the footballers – they can often kick the goals.
            just having rest.  I have seen successful people. What   They  go  to  different  world  championship.  Also  there  are
            kind of people are they? They are happy! And wealth   successful doctors. They can save people by performing
            for me is the internal feeling of independence from   operations. Success is when you do everything in the right
            anyone.  Among  successful  people  I  would  name  the   way and you are sure in what you do.
            President of Life is Good Roman Vasilenko, the founder   Wealth is when you have a family, a lot of money and
            of Apples Steve JOBS, the founder of Tesla Ilon MASK,   different things. You can become rich if you go to work and
            the director James CAMERON.                       earn a lot. You can take part in various competitions, win
              If  I  had  million  of  million,  I  would  invest  the  most   and get money. But you must work a lot to get this. If I had
            part, and would spend the remaining part on the things   million of million, I would spend it on children’s home in
            I and my family need.                             order the children have families. And also I would spend on
              The name of the company is Life is good. Life is good   a house, car and clothes.
            by itself, when everything is good in life, everybody is   Life is Good means that everything is great, everything is
            healthy and happy.                                good, and everything is super.

            LIFE IS GOOD. STYLE | № 1                                                                                                                                                                                                   
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