Page 3 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 3

Welcoming speech   | LIFE IS GOOD

                                          Dear readers!

                                          There is a wonderful belief: – when you do something for the first time in your life,
                                        you should make a wish, and it will come true. Therefore, you can easily do it now – you
                                        are holding the first issue of our corporate magazine in your hands. What is it about?
                                          We introduce you our Life is Good Holding Company, its main business partners,
                                        unique products, work policies and corporate events. You will learn what Officer Ball
                                        and retreat with directors are, mark the locations of our closest offices on the map; you
                                        will find out who created this company and who has been maintaining perfect rates of
                                        its development for already five years. You will see a lot of amazing people on the pages
                                        – these are our leaders, people who can teach you a great deal and each of them shares
                                        their experience of work for the Life is Good.
                                          This very first issue is dated to the fourth traditional Director Ball. As a rule, we
                                        gather to honor those who have raised a few steps up their corporate ladder!
                                          For my 30-year experience in the network business there was a long-term period
                                        when I was ashamed to admit that I am a networker but that time is far behind. Now I
                                        will proudly say, I have created a new scheme based on network marketing, according
                                        to which our company works.
                                          It was due to the network business that I became a multimillionaire, though, at the
                                        same time I had no contacts, no rich parents, and no special talents. I served as an
                                        ordinary officer in a small garrison but I had a big dream, and I decided to prove that
                                        everyone could become rich.
                                          Having no other resources except for my perseverance and persistence in achieving
                                        the goal, I began to look for options and found.
                                          It worked not only for me. Today, dozens of thousands of people work in my team,
                                        many of whom have reached a living standard that they could not have imagined even
                                        in their wildest dreams.
                                          You can also do it if you want. Do not be afraid of these words ‘network marketing’.
                                        Most of the millions in the world are made with this tool. Good luck to you! Be with us,
                                        be like us, and probably more successful than us!

                                          Roman Vasilenko, Head of the Life is Good Holding Company

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