Page 51 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best  | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM  51

                 Briefly about myself before meeting
                 with the Life is Good.
                 I was born in Uzbekistan, in the Andijan Region, in an
               ordinary peasant family.
                 In 1975, I went to Russia. Marital status: married, large
               family, five children.
                 Education  and  training.  In  1982,  I  graduated  from
               the  Rostov  Institute  of  Agricultural  Engineering  (now
               the  Don  State  Technical  University),  I  worked  on  the
               Rostselmash  combine plant,  in the famous domestic
               flagship of agricultural engineering, from 1982 to 1987 in
               the department of the chief designer. Feeling the spirit
               of  the  times,  in  1987  I  organized  a  sports  and  fitness
               cooperative, developed martial arts, for many years
               headed the Wushu Federation of the Rostov Region, was
               a member of the Council of the Russian Federation and    MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS
               in the Presidium of the USSR on Wushu. I brought up
               champions of Russia, Europe and the world in martial     At the moment I am a financial advisor to
               arts. Sport has become not only a part of life, but also a   the Life is Good Holding, Director for the
               business.                                                development of the Best Way-Real Estate
                 In  1993-2010,  I  developed  a  traditional  business.  I   Housing Cooperative in Kazakhstan and the
               have successfully tried myself in such fields as: a network   Best Way Elet in Kyrgyzstan. I am the founder
               of Chinese restaurants,  a construction company, a       of my author’s martial arts system “School of
               siding factory, a satellite navigation system, a fuel and   free combat”. On the basis of martial arts, I
               lubricant  industry, a casino,  and information security   developed a system of training businessmen
               systems. The time dictated more and more new changes     for modern business conditions, a program
               in the economy and the social situation of business,     teaching stress tolerance and team building
               which required in-depth knowledge and further self-      principles.
                                                                        HOBBIES AND INTERESTS
                 What brought you to the Life is Good?                  Sport has become a serious passion for life.
                 I came to the company for two reasons: firstly, this,
               of course, was a personal acquaintance with Roman
               Vasilenko  in  1998,  and  secondly,  I  liked  the  idea  of   Try it on yourself and with complete confidence offer
               promoting the cooperative through MLM.            to others. This is the main difference between network
                 This was the first time I came across this direction. A   marketing and financial pyramids – the pyramid collects
               surprisingly  successful  combination of the old proven   money without offering a product. We, working in the
               system of shared housing  cooperative with the latest   Life is Good, offer exactly the PRODUCT, and unique one.
               developments in the network sales system. Network   To work with it is pleasant, prestigious and worthy.
               marketing is successfully developing all over the world,   Mistrust or, let’s  say softer, doubt, which  customers
               a considerable  percentage of the population  in  the   often express, can be understood. There was a period
               “decaying  West”  works  in  just  such  an  employment   in the history of our country, namely, the notorious 90s,
               system.  You  will  agree  with  me:  this  is  important  for   when many people were burned by investing in the
               any country, especially under conditions when finding a   existing pyramids, yielding to a wide front of advertising
               well-paid job is a problem. Especially now, when there   from television screens. Then, in fact, many people
               is a “hidden censorship” for age, the tacit order of the   blindly trusted what television was broadcasting, and
               management of many enterprises – after a certain age   to the newly-minted advertising as well. Now nothing
               threshold, not to take for a job! In our holding we are   is being done in an emergency way, and everyone
               happy and will help start a business to a partner of any   has a great opportunity to come to a seminar, listen
               age who himself/herself seeks to master this business.   to a specialist presentation,  and  most  importantly,
               Excellent  conditions have been created for training:  a   make sure that the activity of the proposed product
               mentor works with you, and in general there is a whole   (The Best Way Housing Cooperative) is regulated by
               business academy in which everyone is trained. For my   the  relevant  articles  of  the  Civil  and  Housing  Codes
               part, I conduct, for example, a program that teaches how   of the Russian Federation. Any legislation is available
               to control your own willpower and keep the fortitude at   online. Your own example convinces any person, first
               a decent level, not allowing stress to interfere with your   of all, well, and his/her strong desire to purchase the
               activities, to violate your plans.                desired housing. The uniqueness of our product is also
                 Personally,  my  job  success  depended  on  the  effort   in the fact that you cannot just buy an apartment by
               made. It is necessary to grasp the merits of the product   installments, but also earn money on this apartment
               that you offer. It is very good to understand the details.  with the help of the Best Way.

               LIFE IS GOOD. STYLE | №  1                                                                                                                                                                                                  
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