Page 75 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 75
The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 77
Briefly about myself before meeting the company has become their life. At my invitation,
with the Life is Good. my friend Svetlana Popova came to the business,
I spent my childhood and youth in a wonderful she successfully makes a career path, is already the
land, on the Iturup island, the largest of the Kuril director of the holding. Thanks to Svetlana, the housing
Islands, on the border of Russia and Japan. In these corporation The Best Way in Sochi and throughout
places, the climate is cold, and the people are the Krasnodar Territory enjoys great success. I want to
kind, with large «warm» hearts. At the same time, note the fruitful work of my partner Anastasia Borzyh.
they are distinguished by their persistent character She actively helps citizens not only of Russia, but also
and determination. Probably, I am the same. I love of the Kyrgyz Republic, to improve their lives. I note
people, I love to help them, and I try to go towards the fact that the purchase of real estate for the first
my intended goal, no matter what ... shareholders of the housing corporation The Best
Education and training. Like my mother, I received Way Elet in Bishkek, attracted by Anastasia and her
education in trade relations. This determined my partner Zeine Bolusheva, is now in the making.
further destiny – I became an entrepreneur. I always In January 2018, my partner Tatiana Molodtsova
knew that a business should be successful, and was and I visited the Far East, the Sakhalin Island, and
ready to work 70 hours a week for myself, so as not to presented the Life is Good and its partners at a
work 40 hours a week for someone. And it was a great presentation in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. And in March
experience, and with it came financial success. 2018, a representative office of the holding was
Parents always supported me, we passed these opened there. I want that my countrymen, the
qualities to our families with my younger brother. Sakhalin residents and the Kuril people, to be able
My brother has his own business and still lives in to use the services of our company and acquire real
the Far East. My parents moved to the south. They estate with profit for themselves.
are pensioners and are clients of the company, they
receive income and can afford much more than
other people of old age: they travel, make pleasant MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS
purchases and enjoy life. One of the achievements – now my eldest
daughter is a partner of the holding. Now
What brought you to the Life is Good? she has the 2nd career level, but I know that
My eldest daughter Catherine decided that she everything is in the future. I myself am already
wanted to study at a university in St. Petersburg the director of the 7th level and proudly
and stay there to live, there was a need to buy an wear the title “Honorary Citizen of Russia” for
apartment for her. I did not have the opportunity to my contribution to the development of the
buy at full price, and I did not want to consider the Russian economy and the promotion of the
mortgage at all. But chance helped me. Although, Best Way Housing Program in the regions.
when you are really waiting for something, it will
definitely appear. The thought is material.
When Vladislav Kim offered to buy an apartment
for my daughter through the housing cooperative I am proud to say that in my structure there are
The Best Way, I reacted to this proposal with a bit such successful and promising leaders as, Alla
of skepticism. After a thorough study of the housing Dulerova (experienced real estate specialist), Oksana
cooperative, all its advantages and possible risks, I Shigaleva (business woman with extensive experience
decided to use it anyway. And I have never regretted, in line sales), Tatiana Kovalenko (a specialist in the
this is the ideal solution to the issue of buying a home! banking sector, in the past – a head of financial
For 2 years now, my daughter has been living in her services, a leader, can make decisions, is not afraid
cozy apartment in the beautiful city of St. Petersburg. to take responsibility for herself), Galina Nemertseva
Having checked the efficiency and reality of the (a teacher with a teacher experience more than 40
cooperative, I was excited to make sure that as many years) and Inna Nemertseva (specialist in insurance),
people as possible knew about such an incredible Elena Iakovleva (head of real estate agency). The
opportunity to purchase housing. Without thinking, geography of the presence of their structures is so
I decided to do business in the Life is Good and help diverse that it cannot be counted – this is the whole
people like me to solve the housing problem. Russia, the Republic of Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and
About those who are near. My achievements took place thanks to the holding,
Network marketing is, first of all, a team! I loved its president Roman Vasilenko, Vladislav and Svetlana
sports when I was a child. I know that victory or Kim – they helped to love this business, and this is
defeat depends on the mood in the team and the an opportunity to help people, develop, learn, travel,
coherence of its actions. Sport has developed my and most importantly - earn good money and change
leadership qualities: go ahead, to the goal, and pass your standard of living for the better. Many thanks to
over competitors at any price. my partners that they believed and followed me to
With great pleasure I want to introduce my team this not simple, but interesting and highly profitable
of partners. These are people for whom business in business.