Page 83 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 83

The best of the best  | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM  85

                 Briefly about myself before meeting               How  did  you  achieve  your  first  success?  Basic
                 with Life is Good.                              principles for its achievement.
                 I am from Irkutsk, born on November 2, 1970. Married  In 2015, I wanted to quit this business several times, as
                 Education and training. Two higher educations.   I received a lot of failures. It does not work! People do not
               (Irkutsk  State  Technical  University  -  Building  Engineer   hear. Do not believe. For several months I had no result.
               and  Irkutsk  State  University  -  Manager  of  the   And then I realized that you need to sell BUSINESS! Build
               Organization).  I  have  managed  the  line  business  at   a TEAM! As a result of the experience that has come, there
               Zepter international company for 16 years.        are  conclusions:  perseverance  and  persistence,  even  if
                                                                 obstacles are on your way. “Forget” moments when you
                 What brought you to the Life is Good?           want to quit. Sometimes it happens two steps away from
                 At the personal invitation of my friend and business   the desired result. But you must go to the end, believe in
               partner Liliia Vladimirovna Shcherbakova, in December   your victory! The ability to take responsibility personally in
               2014, I was invited to the IBS of the Life is Good Company   the most difficult periods of the business. For yourself and
               in Sochi. The information was very helpful. It made me   for your team, not shifting it to anyone!
               reconsider  many  life  positions.  From  that  moment  I   The  ability  to  set  and  perceive  a  clear  goal!  It  is
               made a decision, and my                                                    determined  by    your
               career in the company                                                      actions: little by little, but
               began.                                                                     every  day!  Never  stop.
                 After  the  seminar  I                                                   Plan your actions. Respond
               came  to  Irkutsk,  rent                                                   correctly to failures!
               the  office  and,  in  full                                                  Having   created   a
               confidence   that   now                                                    team  in  Irkutsk,  I  went  to
               the whole world was at                                                     conquer the Far East on
               my  feet,  I  set  to  work.  I                                            the    recommendation,
               enthusiastically  began                                                    without having a penny
               to promote the ideas of                                                    in  my  pocket.  But  I  had
               housing  cooperation  in                                                   100% confidence and faith
               my region. After some                                                      in  our  company.  Internal
               time,  I  realized  that  our                                              motivation helped me a
               people are not yet ready                                                   lot.  I  knew  exactly  why
               to accept something new.                                                   I  need  the  Life  is  Good.
               I had to hear a lot about       MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS             Therefore, I do not react to
               myself  and  about  the         Expert in the field of financial consulting. I   failures.  I  have  practically
               company  ...  In  general,      enter the TOP-20 the Life is Good holding   developed immunity to
               looking back at that time,      company. As a philanthropist, I enter the   them.  And  I  teach  this  to
               I  am  not  surprised.  In      world’s largest charitable foundation Charity   my  partners.  Today,  our
               any business, you need          Awards, which includes world stars, all   offices are already open in
               to  «fill  your  hand»,  make   previous Presidents, and the current President   such regions as the Irkutsk
               mistakes and learn from         of the United States. Regional representative   region,  Primorsky  Krai,
               them.  Unfortunately,  our      of the Life is Good in the Irkutsk region,   Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
               fellow citizens, like us,       7-level Director. I awarded a medal for my   the Republic of Buryatia,
               more than once were             contribution to the development of the    Chita Region, Novosibirsk,
               shocked by economic             company of the 1st degree. I was awarded   Yekaterinburg,   Yaroslavl,
               scams,  high-profile  cases,    the medal - «Honorary Citizen of Russia» for   and Moscow.
               collapses  of   various         the promotion of housing cooperation by the   For  three  and  a  half
               pyramids  and  consumer         Deputies of the State Duma. Member of the   years  I  reached  the  7th
               communities. It is not easy     Intellectual Club “What? Where? When?»    career level and raised two
               to grow a grain of trust on                                               managers of the 6th career
               this basis. Housing meters      HOBBIES AND INTERESTS                     level:  Galina  Vasilevna
               are a very attractive niche     I collect Soviet porcelain.               Enkovskykh  (Moscow)  and
               for many businessmen,                                                     Viktor  Ivanovich  Zakharov
               and more than once there                                                  (Vladivostok).
               have been facts about deceived real estate investors ...   Basic principles: unconditional faith in the company
               Alas! But, meeting with potential clients, as I became   and its product. And, of course, the foundation of success
               more and more deeply immersed in the quality of   is the team that believed and followed me! The interests
               the product of the Life is Good, I became increasingly   of  the  team  are  above  your  own!  Support  partners  in
               confident that I was doing the right thing and that the   everything, train, inspire! Run together promotions. Each
               housing cooperative was really a real way out. And I do   member of the team should know that at any time can
               not have the slightest doubt in the correctness of such   count on your support. I want to say thanks to all my
               a choice.                                         partners, I am glad that we are together!

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